Smooth Criminals

Planning Ahead

I met Michael at the front door. Donatello came along behind me. Michael smiled when he saw me and he tilted his hat back so I could see his eyes. He took the dress that was over his shoulder and handed it to me.

"Here ya go, doll," he said. "It should fit, but if it doesn't, just let me know."

I took it from him and looked at it. It was exactly what I had in mind. It was sleek, smooth, and sexy. Not to mention, I would be able to move in it. Michael handed me the shoes as well. I looked at them and they were just my type. Black with straps going around the ankles. Perfect.

I smiled and looked up at Michael. There was something in him that showed he was the boss, but he also had a soft spot somewhere behind it all.

"Thank you, Michael," I said.

He laughed a little with his sweet voice. "No need to thank me. Anything you need, I will most likely get it for you. You're part of the family now."

"What family is that, Michael?"

He gave me a crooked smile. "Me, John, Chris, and anyone else we might introduce you to that's on our side. But we try to keep it to a minimum of me and John, with the exception of you."

I smiled. "Well, I'm honored to be a part of your family."

He gave me a sly grin. "As am I." We both just stayed there smiling for a moment. Michael broke the awkwardness. "Go try it on. We'll still be here."

I nodded. "Good to know."

I walked away from Michael as he went to go join Johnny and Chris. I ushered to Donatello to go with them. He gave a short whimper and then trotted after Michael. I walked around a bend in the house and went down a short hallway and opened a door. I slipped inside and locked the door. I was in what looked like a spare bedroom. It was too tidy to be Chris' natural sleeping area.

There was a long mirror, much like the one I had at home, on the back of the door. I placed the dress and shoes on the large bed. I began to undress myself from the ridiculously long and fluffy dress I had on.

My thoughts kept traveling to Michael. He was clearly one of the most amazing men in the world. Well, as far as I could tell. He had amazing charm. He could dance amazingly. He could sing amazingly. And he looked amazing. He was amazing.

For me, it was the ridiculous amount of charm he set on me. And that smile. Oh, God, that smile. It was light the breaking of dawn. It lit up his entire face. And his eyes just gleamed at me. Those big brown eyes. And I can't forget that hair. I've never seen anything like it before. It was so curly.

I shook my head trying to get him out of my head. I flung the fluffy dress on the bed and picked up the black one and began to put it on.

The way he stood even. Ugh, he's just not going to get out of my head. I barely even know him. That didn't matter. Or did it? I was satisfied with just having him around. I get chills every time he even speaks to me.

"Alright," I said out loud quietly to myself. "What about Johnny?"

Johnny was amazingly charming as well, but he didn't compare to Michael. I guess he was right. I had to get to know him. But right now, I would focus on Michael. Besides, Johnny said Michael did like me. I smiled at the thought. Michael Jackson, the smoothest of the smooth, fancying me.

I sighed and then looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was tight around my curves and it came just above my knees. It was smooth and soft. A single strap was around my neck holding the dress up. It flared out only a little at the bottom. I smiled and pursed my lips. I pushed my breasts up for the hell of it. I smiled more.

I turned around and grabbed the heels and quickly slipped them on and strapped the strap around my ankle. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I stood about an inch and a half taller. I was thankful for that because now I wouldn't feel so short around all of the men. I would still feel short, however.

I smiled at my reflection and shook my hair so that the curly waves draped over my shoulders. I nodded.

"Alright," I muttered.

I walked out of the room with a strut and I came back into the kitchen. All four heads, including Don, looked over at me. I smiled and put my hands on my hips. Michael smiled and looked up at me from his chair at the table. John gave me a half crooked smile and nodded his head. Chris raised his eyebrows with a small smirk. Donatello tilted his head.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I think I'm not seein' what I'm seein'," Chris said. "It's a blessin' from God!"

I smiled. "Well, I don't know how to respond to that."

Michael laughed a little. "Would you be able to respond to, you look absolutely stunning."

"I second that," John said.

I nodded. "I can deal with that."

Michael shifted and turned to me. I let my hands fall to my sides and took a seat at the opposite end of Chris. Michael turned and shifted towards me again.

"Now," he said, "we need to figure out a plan to make you known." We all sat quiet for a moment pondering. Michael then broke the silence. "Do you still have your bandanna?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's in the other room with my other dress."

"Alright," he said, "so of course you'll wear that, but we need to find a way to reveal you."

John leaned on the table. "Maybe if she wore her original attire and then in the middle of whatever crime she's doing, she'll take that attire off revealing her as a woman. Although, she'd keep the bandanna over her mouth to protect her true identity. And then we'd come in behind her showing that it was her who was with us at the bank robbery."

Chris looked at Johnny. "Come on, man. You could have at least given someone else a chance."

Johnny leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head. "Just using what was given to me." He looked at me and winked.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Michael. Michael pursed his lips. "It is reasonable, but is it how you want to do it?"

I thought it over. "It sounds like it would work. Lets do it."

Michael smiled. "Alright. We'll get to that soon." He looked at Johnny. "So, now we need a plan to get Frank."

The mood in the room became serious at these words. I let the men take over this conversation, since I hardly knew what we were really doing.

"We need to find a way to get Frank to want us to come to him," Michael said.

Johnny laughed. "Well, I'm pretty sure the whole shoot out in the whore house shows that he does want us."

Michael nodded seriously. "Yes, but we need something else. We need leverage."

"Like a bargain?" Chris said.

Michael shook his head. "No, like something to really want us."

Johnny stuck out his chin. "So, we need to piss him off."

"That's like the best job ever," Chris said.

My eyes followed to each person as they talked. I leaned back in my chair and payed attention to the conversation.

"Frank has that one club where all of his mob hang out," Johnny said. "What's it called?"

Michael shrugged. "It's like the Dead Fish or something."

I creased my forehead. The Dead Fish? Really?

"Na na na, man. It's something Italian." Chris said.

"No it's not," Johnny said. "It's next to a hotel. The a...the Waterfront Hotel."

"Yeah," Michael said. "But it's called the...the..the Del Porto."

"Yeah," Chris and Johnny said together.

I shook my head slightly feeling completely left out of this conversation. Michael looked at me and smiled.

"Alright," he said turning back to Johnny and Chris. "So, what do we do about that?"

Johnny sighed and folded his arms. "Well, doesn't he want that one girl?"

"What one girl?" Chris asked.

"I don't know," Johnny said. "She's just this one girl he wants really badly to please him or whatever. Frank's a pig of an old man. He has her like under watch by his mob. She goes in and out of the club/ restaurant just so she'll live."

"Isn't her name like, Kishaya?" Michael asked Johnny.

Johnny nodded. "Yeah."

"Kishaya?" Chris asked. "Ah, hell no. Are you kiddin'? Please tell me you playin'."

Michael looked at Chris. "No, man. We aren't."

"Wha?" Chris said high pitchedly.

Johnny creased his forehead. "What is it, man?"

Chris froze and then looked at everyone one at a time and then stared at Michael. "That's my ex, man."

I creased my forehead. As did Michael.

"Your ex? How do you know?" Michael asked.

Chris stuttered. "How many woman do you know with the name Kishaya?"

"Not many," Michael said.

Chris nodded. "Yeah, not many."

Johnny laughed a little and leaned back in his chair.

Chris looked at him. "You think this is funny, man?"

"I think it's ironic," Johnny said. "Your ex clearly hasn't been well off without you."

Chris laughed sarcastically. "Well, you obviously don't know her. She's like, a super freak."

We all smiled and tried to hide it. Michael licked his lips and looked at Chris. "Meaning what exactly?"

"She pulled a knife on me after she got me down to my underwear," Chris said. "She's dangerous, man."

Johnny nodded to me. "So is she."

Chris scoffed. "I somehow don't think she'll pull a sharp object on you when you are naked."

I shrugged with a smile. "It might happen."

"Ah, see. Now you makin' jokes." Chris said.

Michael became partially serious again. "Alright, man, listen. We'll get her as a hostage and use her as a leverage to get to Frank more seriously."

"Na man," Chris said. "I don't want her anywhere near me."

Michael smiled. "Is Chris afraid of a woman?"

Chris nodded. "Chris is very afraid of this woman."

Johnny laughed. "Come on, Chris. We'll take her and then we'll leave the next day. I swear."

Chris sighed and looked at me. "Will you keep her under control?"

I frowned. "What makes you think I can keep her under control?"

"You're a woman," he said.

Michael gave me a look urging me on. I sighed. "I'll do my best."