Hello Brooklyn

Chapter 001

Brooklyn Marie. 5:44 AM.

A case of insomnia and noise filled her mind. The dog was barking at the door, where no one was knocking.

She groaned as she rolled out of bed and flicked on the bedroom lights. The bright fluorescence hurt her eyes. She hesitantly walked down the hallway to where the dog was making a commotion. She peaked outside the door, but saw nothing- nothing but the dusky morning, and the leaves rustling in the wind.

A clatter was heard from the kitchen, startling the poor girl. She grabbed the nearest object- which happened to be an umbrella- and held it tightly in her hands. The floorboards creaked as she walked towards the dim light of the kitchen. She peered in the kitchen to see nothing, yet again.

A humming in the air kept her on her toes. She felt a chill go down her spine. She spun around quickly and still saw nothing.

Turning back into the kitchen, she grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with ice and water. The refrigerator suddenly opened up by itself. She screamed, despite no one being able to hear her.

“Would you quiet down?” A low voice purred in her ear, shutting her up.

“What the fuck?” She ran upstairs and locked herself in her bedroom. Turning to face the room, with her back against the door, she saw a male figure sitting in the plush chair in the corner of her room, “Who the hell are you?”

“Hello Brooklyn,” the figure said, tapping his fingers together manically. His silhouette looked evil in her view. She slid to the floor, cowering in fear of the stranger.

He stood up and came out of the shadows. She could see his beautiful face clearly then, “Answer my question,” she trembled.

“Your worst nightmare.” He started to reach down. She shrieked. “No just kidding, I’m Alex.” He laughed and backed away from her. Brooklyn glared at him and lunged forward. She didn’t have her ‘weapon’ anymore, as it dropped while she was running up the stairs.

She felt a cold chill as she landed on her bed, and not Alex. She heard him laughing… again. “Whoa, that felt weird.” She rubbed her head, re-thinking her sanity.

“So are you having fun in my house?” he asked her, pacing back and forth.

“What are you talking about? I live here,” she rolled her eyes, “Obviously you don’t, unless you’ve been living in the basement without my knowledge.”

“No, I prefer the attic.”

“Smart ass,” she mumbled. Brooklyn sat up on her bed. “Seriously… what are you doing in my house?”

“The cemetery got kind of boring.”

“You’re- you’re dead?” She sounded scared.

“Duh. You think you can go through someone who’s alive?” he asked matter-of-factly, sitting on the end of the bed. She shot up, terrified, “Don’t be scared, I can’t very well kill you can I?”

“This is fucking creepy!” Brooklyn exclaimed, moving to the corner. He approached her slowly, trying not to scare her anymore than he already had, “Don’t touch me!”

“God, I’m trying to help you,” Alex rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. She squeezed her eyes shut as he made his way over. When he was close enough for her to feel his unneeded breath, she slowly opened one of her icy blue eyes. His hand reached in the direction of her cheek, sending her heart into a beating fit. Instead of touching her cheek like she thought he would, he pulled a piece of stray fuzz from her hair.

“Oh thanks,” she said sarcastically.

“You’re welcome,” he smiled a cheeky smile at her, pulling his cold, dead hand to his side, “Still scared?”

“A little freaked out,” she answered him, slowly rising from the floor. She reached out with her right hand very slowly. The icy effect of Alex’s ‘skin’ caused goose bumps to form on her arm, “Did you feel that?”

“Not really,” he shrugged, “I can’t feel much of anything these days…”

“How did you die?”

“I died in this room actually. Too much partying… I got alcohol poisoning, and things turned out for the worse. My friend Jack went into rehab after the incident, and I’m not sure what happened to the others,” Alex told her nonchalantly.

“How can you be so calm about that? You’re dead.” She didn’t really seem to be affected by the fact that he had died where she was standing.

“People die all the time.”

“That’s… very comforting?” Her eyes rolled off to the side, and she happened to catch the time on the clock. It was already 6:02. “If you’ve been here before, how come I’ve never seen you?”

“Didn’t feel like showing you that I was here? I like watching you.”

“Well if that’s not the creepiest thing I’ve ever heard, I don’t know what is.” Alex rolled his eyes.

“I have some decency. I don’t spy on girls when they’re in the shower or anything like that…” he scoffed.

“You don’t really expect me to believe that do you?”

“Yeah. I do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
New story. Yes/ No?
