Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


I parked my car in the parking garage, and went to enter the building.

"Hey Carl" I said to the doorman

"Hey Tiffany, how's it going ?" He asked me

"nothing more than the usual. I just from back from practice, Jamie let us go early so he could get his wife to pregnancy class. anyway, how was your anniversary last night ?"

"very good, Janet loved the bracelet and then we went out to Olive Garden"

"that sounds nice" I said, brushing my bangs out of my face. "did the mailman come yet ?"

"yea, he just left"

"cool. bye Carl"

"bye Tiff" He said closing the door behind me. I went to the mail room and grabbed my key to unlock my mailbox. Five letters and a People magazine were stacked into the box. I grabbed it, and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button that said '3' on it, and the machine took me up. The doors opened and I walked to the right of the hall with my black, dance bag hanging on my shoulder and my purse in that hand. I grabbed my door keys when I reached my apartment, and unlocked it.

I closed the door, and put my mail on the small table next to my door. I took off my black ballet flats, and threw them into my closet, as I did with my black jacket from American Eagle.

By now, my yellow lab,Jackson, came up to me with a toy in his mouth,his tail going a mile a minute.

"hi Jacky" I said petting him

He then followed me to my bedroom, where I threw my bag onto my queen sized bed, and walked to my closet, and took off my tank and shorty shorts, and changed into my new outfit

I walked back to where I put my mail and walked to my couch with it in one hand, looking at the cover to the magazine. I grabbed the remote to my television. It was to 10 minutes after 4:00 P.M. 'What I Like About You' was showing on ABC Family. SO I turned that on and went through the letters.

One Bill for my credit card. Another bill for my car payment. An invitation for my cousins bridal shower. A letter from my mom, probably sending me the 10 dollars she owes me from last month, and a letter from somebody named Serena. Her last name was not on the address label, but the hand writing seamed vaguely familiar, and I swear that I used to know a Serena. I opened it up, thinking that it could be someone from Broadway that I used to know.
There was a note folded up in the envelope and two green sticky notes on top of the white letter, saying 'read this first' in bold letters.

Tiffy! I know that you're wondering who the hell this Serena girl is. I am Serena Margain, well that was my maiden name. The last time I saw you, I was just Kevin's fiancee. We got married a few months after you and Nick had the fight. It was beautiful, and I wish that you could have been there, but Nick was still grieving. I'm not supposed to tell you this, but he actually cried himself to sleep for the first 3 weeks. Anyway, the note this is on, is a note from him, and then after that, their is any invitation to my baby shower. I miss you so much girlie, and it would mean alot to me if you came, Nick will not be there, so you don't have to worry, but my number is on the invitation, so please call me, so we can catch up on things. Hopefully I will see you soon. Bye !
Love, Serii !

Her note made me smile. I skipped the note from *him* and picked up the baby shower invitation. Her invitation made me smile more. There was a picture of her, and Kevin smiling together. I missed Kevin so much. He was like a big brother to me. So was Joe.

I put her invitation down, took a deep breath, and reached for *his* note

I threw the note onto the coffee table and ran to my bed room. The tears streaming down my face.

Fifteen minutes went by just like this, when I finally realized that it was stupid. I then got up rubbing my eyes that were probably red, and that my make up was ruined. I picked up the invitation, and I dialed Serena's number...
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first chapter ! hope you like it. mkay, well I might use banners for this idk, I need to figure them out. well, mr. jonas x3 should be in the next chapter er 2. comments rock my world !