Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


Ariel and I made our way into the delivery room, staying on the right side of her. Ariel held her hand and I kept a firm grip on her shoulder.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG ?!" she yelled at us

"sorry" we both said

Kevin continued to wipe her forehead with a damp cloth.

"I need more icechips" Serena complained. When nobody answered her, she began to get mad "NOW !" she yelled

"I'll get them" I offered before running out the door before she got even crazier, if that was possible.

I pushed the doors the led to the waiting room open, I took out my phone to check if Ariel had texted me in the last minute about if her contractions had gotten closer. None yet.

I stopped at the icechips machine and waited for the slow machine to get the ice out. When it did, I immediatly started for the door. I wasn't aware of the noisy, impatient people in the lobby.

"TIFFANY !" I could easily reconize Joe's voice yelling at me. I slowly turned around on the balls of my feet.

"what ?" I asked him, now a little too anxious

"hows the woman in labor ?"

"fine, she's under going procedure now. bye" I said, turning back around so that I could get the icechips back before they melted and I had to run back and get more.

I tried to turn to the room, but someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Nick, what do you think you're doing, these icechips are melting" I said fiercly, I really didn't feel like talking to him right now

"why do you find me so irrestable ?" he asked

"what ?" I asked confused "Nick I don't have time for this" I tried to turn back, but he wouldn't let me

"please, just answer the question"

"I am not attracted to you" I said, looking at him straight in the eye "why are you eating that ?"

He looked at the chocolate chip cookie being held in his hand "what ? I can't eat junk food because I am diabetic"

"well, you should check your blood pressure" I said walking away

I saw the bar set up on the hospital bed when I walked in.

"this is just water" Serena said when I handed the cup to her "go get more, NOW !"

"okay, okay" I said, dashing out of the room. again.

When I got out, I nearly ran into a huddle of doctors, staring at a bushy-haired guy that was passed out on the bed.

"what's his name ?" one of the male doctors asked

"Nick Jonas" the only female doctor said.

I dropped the ice-chips cup, and ran back out to the waiting room to get Joe

"he's not breathing" I heard another doctor say, which made me run faster.
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suspense... hope you liked this one. next chapter is coming tomarrow. comments amaze me <3