Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


The baby's full name is Madison Katherine Jonas. She is beautiful.

Nick was fine. He only had to stay in the hospital for three days. He would be able to leave the same time as Maddie.

I hadn't been in contact with anyone in the Jonas family for two days, and today was the last day Nick would be in the hospital. For now. I wanted to have a private talk with him, and I couldn't hold it in until he got home.

The hospital was kinda quiet. The receptionist seemed bored out of her mind when I asked her for Nick's room. The nurses were just standing around waiting for patients to come.

When I reached Nick's room, I stood against the wall to listen. It didn't sound like anybody was in there, but he was on the phone. I silently waited.

10 minutes later

I am still silently waiting. It sounded like he was talking to one of his brothers.

"okay" I heard him say "bye Joe" he had finally hung up.

I took a few deep breathes and wondered to myself if I was making the right decision. I stared at his shadow I could see on the wall and new that I was. I checked my outfit real quick and brushed my fingers through my wavy, blonde hair. I fixed the barette that held my bangs back.

"Tiffany how long is it going to take for you to get in here ?" Nick asked

I froze. How did he know it was me ? I took another deep breath and walked into the room.

Nick was laying on his bed, the sheets were pulled up to his waist. On his legs were a pencil and notebook.

"hi" I said, sitting on the edge of his bed

"hi" he said back. I was wishing he would say something else, but after a moment of silence I figured I should start it

"are you writing a song ?" I asked.

"yea, nothing good though"

"oh" I said glancing towards the notebook

"look" I said "I came here to apologize"

He just stared at me with those eyes.

"I-I am really sorry that I was so rude to you all this time, and that I never called you after the fight, I kept thinking you would call me, but apparently I was wrong. and then the other night when we were all trapped here, and I fell asleep next to you my dream was our fight, and then waking up next to you and our fingers intwined together, it was too much for me" I was crying now "and then when we were dancing together, I was just like this guy is great, and when you took off your mask I felt like that connection was gone, but then I realize that there was no difference between the guy I was dancing with and you, and then you passed out on me, and the one thing I thought was 'If he dies tonight, how will I be able to live without telling him my true feelings that Ive kept inside for all of these years since we met in third grade'"

I stopped there, my voice was cracking too much and you could barley understand me through my broken sobs.

He pulled me into a hug, and I wrapped my arms around him, like we used to back before all of this drama happened. He would hug me whenever I was feeling down and then sing me a song.

"I'm sorry too" he whispered

"you shouldn't be"

After a moment silence we both let go of eachother

"so who's the song for ? Miley ? Selena ?" I asked

He was quiet for a minute "actually it's for you" he admitted

"oh" I said, kinda surprised "can I hear it ?"

"all I have is the chorus, and it isn't too good"

"please" I asked with begging eyes, the ones that used to always work on him

"uhh... fine"

She takes a step away from me
She's perfectly in sync
, but I'm trying not to fall to hard
She has no clue,
but I am trying to stay true
and I find myself thinking of you

"that's it" he said when he was done singing "most of that is gunna change though"

"I like it" I said smiling "It's beautiful, I like the slow tempo too"

"thanks" he said, smiling my favorite smile

He pulled me into another hug, and after a minute, I began to think of the other reason why I came here, not just to apologize, but to also show him what I wanted to do for the last year.

I let go and gently let our lips touch...
♠ ♠ ♠
yay ! they finally kissed ! aww. I think you guys will like the next chapter. It will be cute. thanks so much for reading this story you guys, I am almost up to 100 readers, thats pretty big for me ! I want atleast 5 more comments before the next chapter comes up. please comment, I love them <3