Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


Nick and I were locking our lips together, and if I couldn't remember what had happened at year again, he was still the same good kisser. He was smooth and gentle, and it felt nice. The last kiss that I got was a kiss on my forehead from my older brother.

"Ariel, it's finally happening" Someone said, I could tell it was Joe, and that he was calling Ariel from down the hall

Nick and I quickly pulled off of eachother, and I sat like I had before I kissed him, and we pretended to be like we were just having a simple conversation and that we never heard Joe


"sir, there is to be no yelling in this hospital, do you understand ?" some lady with a low-pitched voice said

Nick and I burst out in laughter, that was pretty damn funny.

"what Joseph ?" Ariel was coming into the distance now. I peeked to see if Joe was still looking at us. He wasn't. I moved to the chair that was next to the bed, and we both pulled out our phones and pretended to text.

"honey, you're missing it ! Nick and Tiffany are in a hard-core make-out session right as we speak"

"oh yes, deffinitly Joe" Ariel said sarcastically "I think we should stop them, looks like they're about to rip off their clothes and have sex"

She was holding a cup of coffee in one hand and in the other her blackberry was being held

"hi kids" she said, sitting in the loveseat that was across Nick's bed

"hey" we both said simoutaniously, while waving up a hand, still looking at our phones. I held in a laugh, it was weird how that happened.

"...but, you and.... her, and the...." Joe stuttered, but finally gave up.

"I'm on to you guys" Joe said, making evil eyes at both of us.

"yea, okay" Nick said, still pretending to text

My phone vibrated for real now, I opened the text

1 new text

sender: Kevin

are you in the hospital ? Serena want's you to come visit Maddie

I'll be right over, rm 117, right ? I replied back


I shoved my phone into my pocket and picked up my bag. "I'm going to visit Maddie" I said before anyone could offer to come along with me

"hey Kev" I said walking into the room he assigned me to

"Tiff !" he said pulling me into a hug, I quickly wrapped my arms around his body.

"when did you get so tall ?" I asked when we let go of eachother "I only saw you two days ago"

"mabey you just got shorter" he said, and I let out a small laugh

"where's the baby ?"

"actually, I didn't call you down for you to see the baby, but you can see her after, I just wanted to let you know that you can tell me anything and to not be afraid because I'll always be here for you and that if I happen to be stumbling upon you and...and....and" great more studdering

"spit it out Kevin" I ordered

"you and Nick" he said a little too loud, I gave him a look "then you shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything" he finished proudly

"you saw me and Nick didn't you Kevin ?"

He looked away from me and I glared at him

"yes" he admitted when my glare was finally worked

"how much ?"

"just the begining" pause "and the middle" pause ", but I totally was done walking by towards the end, and then I heard Joe yelling, it was pretty hysterical" we both let out our smallest chuckles then

"we kissed,but didn't talk about it yet"

'you should, I know what Nick will say, and it will be fine"

"thanks Kevin" I said, hugging him

I stayed to see the precious Maddie and Serena.

When I got back to Nick's room, Ariel and Joe were leaving to go to the cafeteria. This was good.

"can we talk ?" I asked sitting on the end of his bed, next to his feet.

"yea" he said, sitting up in his bed "we need to..."
♠ ♠ ♠
the talk will be up tomarrow. it will be pretty interesting... this chapter goes out to bree ! formally: breella :p comments will make my smile smile shine brighter