Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


Joe's phone call was short, but it made me a lot less confused. Nick and Maddie were going home today, and apparently Nick and I were "clearing" things up tonight and I was told to dress nicely. I ended up in this. It was pretty, I wouldn't object to that, but I could have done better. I curled my hair, and pulled it half up half down. As I finished my make-up, I heard my home phone ringing.

"hello ?" I answered as I walked back to the bathroom

"hello, is this Tiffany Cappelena ?" a womans voice asked

"yes, who is asking ?" I tried to make that sound as polite and sincere as I could

"hi, it's Demi Lovato"

I dropped my eyeliner in shock "Oh My God" was all I could say and she just laughed

"now, I'm just calling because I heard that you're going on a date with Nick tonight"

"well, I wouldn't call it a date..."

"no, in my words, it's a date, anyway, I just wanted to inform you that Nick will be asking some pretty surprising questions tonight and I just wanted to let you know that if something happens that he--" she was cut off

"DEMI !" it sounded a lot like Joe's voice "DON'T TELL HER !"

"I'm not Joseph, relax" she said to Joe "sorry about that, Joe's here helping me pick an outfit out for my date tonight"

I laughed "it's okay"

"well, he's getting grumpy, so I better go, but call this number after the date and tell me how it went, and Selena will be here too, and I know how she can help you"

"okay bye"

we both hung up and I picked my eyeliner off of the floor and finished putting it on. I fed Jackson and then walked over to my balcony to lock the doors. I grabbed my clutch off the breakfast bar and grabbed my keys and left my apartment.
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i know what you're thinking "wow, this chapter sucks" I'm sorry, I just wanted to update this, but I didn't want to put too much in and I needed to find a way to pull Demi and Selena into the story. next chapter will be better, I promise. comment or subscribe and I will love you forever.