Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


It was fifteen minutes into the start of the musical and Nick was nowhere to be seen. I was starting to get a little agrivated. What was the point of being here, if he doesn't show ? I sighed as I watched the opening number to West Side Story. Nick had always known this was my favorite musical/movie of all time. He would always mimick the gangs snapping in the opening sequences. I smiled when I thought about the good 'oll days, which was then followed by a sigh. Tonight was the night that I would finally be forgiving Nick, and earning his trust back. After what happened before, the trust was all gone, the love for the friendship had faded, and our bond wasn't there anymore. I was ready to earn that back, and I wasn't fighting the fact that I was falling for him, like most girls I know do.

Nick still hadn't come back, so I took my phone out and flipped open when I lowered it next to my feet so the light wouldn't show. I had heard the speech the give at the beginings of showsa million a billion times before.

Please turn off your cellphones, they can be distracting for all performers and please be quiet

I really didn't care. I turned the backlight off and then brought it to my thighs and texted Ariel.

Tiffany l Ariel

Nick isn't here yet :[ what am I suposed to do ?

awww sweetie, it's okay. don't worry. Joe said he a mob of fans were coming towards him, from past experiances with Joe, we had to do a lot of running. he should be there soon. now put your phone away before a guard comes and takes it away. love you. good luck :] oh and joe says hi.

thanks :] I'll put my phone away now. and hi joe :p

I threw my phone back into my clutch and went back to syncing into the show. Not even five minutes later, a figure stood before me.

"Nick ?" I whispered

"yea, it's me" he whispered back, sitting down"sorry, I'm late. I guess my face is too reconizable"

I laughed softly and focused my attention back to the show. It was a little akward sitting there with no conversation, but I ignored that by reciting every word/lyric to the play in my head. My favorite charactor was Riff. I hate when Bernardo stabs him though. They make it look so real in the movie. The first time I watched it in 7th grade, I couldn't even watch that part. Not the best memories back then. But now I am a big girl and I can conduct myself to watch that part. I just bawl at the end every time. Whenever I made Nick watch this with me before, he was always there to comfort me. I wonder what would happen this time, and Oh My God, how could I not see this coming ? Nick brought me here to comfort me at the end when Tony gets shot by the evil Chino. Well, I'll agree to that...
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mkay well this chapter was suposed to be sooo amazing because I wanted to thank you guys for being such an amazing group of readers. I found out today that I finally reached my 100 readers point ! yay ! and I was gunna do a great chapter in celebration for that, but atleast I got this in. next chapter will be up tomarrow, and I'll make that one an even gooder one, mkay well I know that gooder isn't a word, but I couldn't think of anything else :p oh and sorry if I contained spoilers for anyone who didn't know what happens in West Side Story :[ but it's true, I bawl everytime I see the ending to west side story, no matter how much I try not too, it's just so darn sad ! and I have witnesses. When we went to see the high school performance of this, I was crying soooooo hard at the end, Bree and Zoey were there with me ! mkay well enough of emmi's West Side Story crying dramas. please comment and subsribe <3
love love love
-emmi <3