Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


It rang twice, and a man's voice answered.

"hello ?" he said. I knew it was a Jonas' voice, but I havn't talked to them in a year. I changed the tone in my voice and said

"hi, is Serena there ?" I said, in the same voice that I had to use when I had the part of "prep girl number one" in some play in 7th grade.

"yes, just a moment" the man said, and then I heard him call her name

"hello ?" she said

"hi Serri, its Tiffany"

I heard her gasp. "Oh My Gosh, Tiffany !" she babbled "how are you ?!"

I chuckled a little. "I'm good, how are you ?" I asked her

"I am way better now that you called me ! I missed you so much !"

"I missed you too"

"what are you doing right now ?" she asked me

"nothing, I'm just watching t.v."

"do you want to come over ?" she asked "don't worry he won't be here its just me,Kev,Joe, and Denise here. Nick and Paul took Frankie to a Yankees game and they won't be back until tomorrow." she said, answering my exact thought

"I'd love to come over, but I don't know where you live" I admitted

She gave me her address and I told her I would come over right away. I turned off the t.v., and I went to my closet and picked out a new outfit. I fed Jackson, grabbed my purse and I put my shoes and jacket on. I walked to my bathroom and fixed my hair and makeup.

I took the elevator down, and walked to the main doors, passing Carl, I gave him a quick wave, and then I walked to the parking garage and hopped into my red Grand Prix, and I drove to my old best friends house.

Their house was average, but very beautiful. I got out of the car, and I walked up the marble pathway. I flipped my golden hair over my shoulder and rang the doorbell.
Serena came up and opened the door. You could tell she was pregnant, but she still looked amazing. Her brown hair still coordinated with her chocolate,brown eyes.

"Tiffany !" she said excitedly, and pulled me into a hug.

"hi Serena "

"Oh My Goodness, I missed you so much, you look amazing, everyone here is so excited to see you" she babbled to me

I just laughed "cool" I said

she put her arm around my waist and we walked to wherever she was leading me.

"how have you been ?" she asked me as we walked

"I'm doing good, how about you ?"

"same old, same old. I heard you got the lead dancing role in a new musical, how's that ?" she asked

"oh, everybody there is great, and I'm having--"

"TIFFANY !" I heard someone say. I looked away from Serri, to see Joe getting up and run towards me.

"JOEY !" I yelled, and I unlocked my embrace from Serena and ran up and hugged my. He picked me up and spun me around.

I laughed for a minute and then said "Joe stop !" while playfully hitting him.

"I missed you so much !" He said putting me down, and kissing my forehead. "just because of, uhh.. ya know..., doesn't mean that you had to stop visiting me !"

"I'm sorry Joe, will you ever find a way to forgive me ?" I asked with a puppy dog face

"I guess so, because I could never stay mad at my best friend" he said, giving me another hug

I just laughed at him. I missed it.

'Tiffany !" I woman's voice said interrupting my moment with Joe.

"mom, go away, I havn't gotten a hug from this girl in almost a year"

"neither have I Joe, now move" the same man's voice that had answered the call before said, and Joe was suddenly off of me and new arms wrapped across my body.

I looked up to see Kevin Jonas in front of me

"hi Tiffany !" he said a little too happily

"hi Kev !" I said wrapping my arms around him

He let go after a moment and said " we missed you so much" he said, giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek, then Denise came up and hugged me

"oh, sweetie we missed you !" she said in the embrace.

"I know, I can't believe its almost been a year since... uhmm.. yea, you know.." I said

she hugged a little tighter.

"we know, honey, we know how devastated you were. we wanted to call you, but Nick wouldn't let us." she said

"it's okay" I said

"well you didn't come over here to talk about what happened with you and Nick. do you want to stay for dinner ?" she asked me

"I'd love to Denise, thank you"

"it's our pleasure, dear" she said. we all walked to the living room and caught up on things. The phone wrung upon us about an hour after. Kevin went to answer it, I quietly listened to him talk, but continued to talk to the others.

"no you can't dude" I heard Kev say

Apparently he mouthed something to Serena, and she made up the lamest excuse, and pulled me out of the room, Denise following us. Joe stayed behind with Kevin.

"honey, would you like something to eat before dinner ?" Serena asked me

"no thank you, I'm fine" I answered "do you mind if I use the bathroom ?"

"sure, its right down that hall, the second door on the left" she told me

"thanks" I said, grabbing my purse, that held my 'lady items' in it.

After I was done, I walked back to the living room, as I heard a car driving into the driveway...
♠ ♠ ♠
ooo. who came to the driveway ? only I know ! mwahaha. hope you like this chapter ! comments are appreciated <3