Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


Intermission flew by and I then found my way back to my seat in the balcony from the ladies restroom. It was almost "the rumble" scene and I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat, which confused my a little bit. Killing and stabbing wasn't exactly my favorite thing to watch. I was getting distracting, as Nick inched his seat closer to me, I heard him whispering the lines of the musical. I suddenly felt a new affection towards him and smiled to myself.

Butterflys were starting form in my stomach because it is the scene were Tony thinks that Maria is dead, but she's really not because Anita was a beotch and lied and now Tony and Maria and running to eachother.

*sounds of gunshot*

Tony has been shot. I can feal the tears forming in my eyes, and now I regret not bringing my make-up remover and my extra eyeliner and mascara. Okay, now the tears are officially streaming down my face. Why do the writers have to make the story line so damn sad ? and more importantly why isn't my date comforting me ? I looked over to him, through the blindness of my tears. I hadn't realized he had grabbed my hand. Once he saw me, he put an arm around my back and whispered soothing words to me. I wasn't really paying attention to the show anymore, I hadn't even realized that the cast was up for the curtain call by now, though I had enough reason. The shoulder part of Nick's suit was drenched in my teardrops, he was holding my sweaty hand, and whenever I would say something it would sound like one of the adults on Charlie Brown.

Nick was perfect to me though. He kept his arm securly around my waist while we walked to his car.

"are you okay ?" he asked after he texted someone

"yea, I'm feeling good" I said.

"then would it be okay if I keep my arms around you ?" he asked, completly casual. I couldn't here any hint of nervousness in his voice. He was so confident.

I kissed his cheek then "no problem at all" Then, I layed my head on his shoulder. I could still feel the wetness of my tears on it, but I didn't really care. We were in his car now. The night was cool, but the heat of his car hit the spot.

He was silent though and the only thing I could hear was the engine of his car.

"uhm.. you missed my apartment building" I said after a while.

"I know" he replied. Even more casual and confident than before. It freaked me out a little bit.

"then where are you taking me ?"

"you'll see" he said, keeping his eyes on the road, but I could see a smile forming on his lips.

About 10 minutes later he pulled into an empty parking lot, which just confused the hell out of me.

"why are we here ?" I asked

"to talk" he said, still facing forward, and looking out the windshield.

20 minutes later

I had forgotten how Nick could always make me laugh. Joe had the funny charm, but Nick had always gotten to me. We had left the parking lot already. He told me that he missed me, and that it wasn't the same for the family when I walked out of their lives, and he trusts me now. He still got me to crack up while he was being telling me something serious.

We exchanged digits when he dropped me off at my building. When we got there he asked me for forgiveness, but I was scared and just ran out of the car and into my building, hoping he would chase after me. He didn't. So when I got dressed into my pajama's, I took out my phone and texted Nick

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this chapter was soo cheesy. :p but wow, already twenty chapters. thanks so much for reading this story, it means so much to me <3 comment and subscribe