Take My Hand and Don't Let Go

twenty two

"hands out, hands together, hands on head" I quietly mumbled to myself. Today was opening night of Crazy For You. My role: Patsy - follies girl with a high speaking voice. I am utterly and completley nervous. I am rehearsing the first scene with my friends Amanda and Tyler, who play Bobby and Tess.

"Did I make it is Zangler still here?" Tyler said

"Yea, ya still got 5 minutes" I said with my squeky voice. My very squeky voice.

"Bobby, what ---" Amanda started, but was interupted by the stage manager talking into his megaphone. The megaphone we got him as a birthday present, which we soon regretted when we realized his love for shouting at us into it.

"okay guys, huddle up" He said, and we all did. We listened to his pep talk, instructions, and then he says "let's have a kickass show !" he shouted and we all cheered and went to take our positions for act one, scene one. I do my line, Amanda and Tyler do there lines.

"Bobby, what happened ?" Amanda said as Tess. I briefly look out into the audience, I spot the Jonas family. I wish I could smile or wink or show some sort of emotion to let them know how happy I am that they are here, but I have to stay professional and I can't. I then fixicate my eyes and my attention to Tyler who was still reciting his lines.

I have no more lines for about three more minutes, I just stand on stage and watch Amanda and Vince, another lead, he plays Zangler. My line comes and I say "Goodnight Mr. Zangler" and walk off the stage.

The night has just begun.
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so I know what you're thinking "what the hell is wrong with this chic ? she writes terrible chapters, I am totally unsubscribing !" but come on, atleast I updated !! :)

comment pleaseee !!!! <3 :)

oh and I am changing the title of this story to 'Take My Hand And Never Let Go' in approxamitly 5 seconds because I absolutley hate this title and it's been bugging me for weeks :)