Take My Hand and Don't Let Go

twenty four

"talk about what ?" I asked curiously "I didn't know this required a closet"

I remembered when we were thirteen and we were at a party together and the host, I can't remember his name, but he pulled both of our names out of a hat and made us go into a closet and play 7 minutes in heaven. We didn't do anything, but we sat there and talked about blow jobs.

"yes, it requires privacy" He said "hence the closet"

"well what do you want ?" I asked

"do you like me ?" He asked, I opened my mouth, but he took this advantage and gave me no chance to answer, and he attached his lips to mine. After a moment, I eventually kissed him back. I had to admit, I enjoyed kissing this kid, he wasn't too bad, but I really don't understand his need to kiss me at the most randomest times, I guess he never learned his manners then.

About five minutes went by, and he stopped kissing me, which I then responded to his question by saying "yes"

He then smiled and kissed me back, but detached his lips from mine, slowly.

"then will do me the biggest honor and be my girlfriend" he asked, with a smirk on his face.

I giggled slightly at the irony and said yes, to which I kissed my boyfriend !
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short, i know, but big :)

comment for a faster update, like seriously i mean it.