Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


Nicks POV

My dad pulled into the driveway behind my mom's SUV.

I pulled out my phone and called the home number. Kevin answered.

"hello ?" he said

"hey Kev, its Nick, we're on our way home, we--"

"WHAT ?" he said

"the game got canceled, we're on our way home" I told him for the second time

"no, dude you can't"

"well, Kev we're gunna be home in like five minutes" I told him

"no you can't, dude" Kevin said

"Kev, Dad and Frankie are already mad that the game was rained out, and he's not in the mood to drive all over town, so we'll see you guys in a few minutes. bye" I said

"but youu--" was all I heard before I pressed the end button.

That was the last thing I heard from my oldest brother. I helped Frankie grab his bag out, and we all walked to the front door of our house.

Frankie was sad. Dad was upset. Me ? I didn't really care. Frankie walked into the living room, and dad and I went to get something to drink.

A few minutes later Frankie came into the kitchen, beaming with excitement.

"Nick, you need to get to the living room, now !" He said

"okay" I said, kinda confused. I put my glass of water down, and walked out to the living room. As I was half way there, I bumped shoulders with someone.

"sorry" we both said, as I looked up. Our eyes locked for a micro-second, until she turned into Joe's chest, and my mother rubbed her back.

Tiffany Katherine Cappelena had just walked by me.

The girl that I haven't seen in almost a year

The girl that I cried myself to sleep over for a month

The girl that I loved.

I stood frozen in my place before two sets of hands were placed on my body, and I was walked into the living room by my brother and sister-in-law.

"Nick" I heard Serena say. "are you okay ?"

"I don't know" I said. no tone of emotion in my voice. I kept everything in

"we tried to get her out before you could notice her" Kevin said

"thats very considerate" I said, holding my non-manly tears back.

"it's okay to cry, Nick" Serena told me

So I cried. and as if my embarrassment couldn't get any worse, my father decided to come in with my younger brother.

"Frankie, go wait in the kitchen" I heard my father say and he was with us at once, he and Serena mumbled stuff back in forth for a minute, and then Serena was gone with Frankie.

"Nick, I know this is hard for you, but don't let it get to you" My father told me

"Dad, I'm trying, but this is just so hard"

"I know, son" he told me

I just sat there and cried


*Tiffany's POV

Joe and Denise stayed with me for who knows how long I cried under that tree.

"Tiff, I know how hard this is for you, but Nick wants to talk to you, privately"

I sucked in a big gulp of air and finally said "let him come out here" I got up, and gave them each a hug, and thanked them for everything and then they left to go get Nick.

I paced under the tree, as I waited for him to come. I noticed that clouds were starting to form across the sky.

Across The street, I saw an elderly couple holding hands, and watching their grand children play. Next to them, a man was just walking into his house. Next door, a young couple were kissing each other goodbye and then the boy got into the car, and the girl walked up her driveway. My eyes followed her until she walked into her house. Then I looked to the other people next door. Another young couple was their, just walking out of the house holding hands, when they reached the car, she put her arms around his neck, and he lifted her up. Obviously they were kissing.

"ah, young love" I heard the one voice that I loved more than anything say

I turned around to face him. Both of our eyes were red, as for we were both crying.

"I don't know what to say, Nick" I said

"well I do, Tiffany, so listen, our fight was a year again, and it seems to me that we both got over that, but then we see each other and break down crying. so whats with that ? I don't know what to do, but I just wish we could forget this fight ever happened and we could go back to the good times we had before this happened, but I don't think that's going to happen, since this is the first time we've spoken to each other in a year"

"I still don't know what to say Nick" I said through my tears. I then decided to take a few steps forward, and I tripped over my feet and fell on the ground, and to make it worse, the rain began to down pour on us then.

He pulled me up, in what seemed like too quick to be a second. He grabbed my arm before I could run back into the house

"Look at me Tiffany Katherine" He said "I love you and I haven't said that in a year. It's like I lost it or something, and then I saw you and it rebounded back to me"

"so ?" I said as the breeze brushed my hair in front of my face, and the water soaked our clothes.

"so ? just kiss me, and forget what happened" he said, and before I could object, his lips were on top of mine. I kissed him back until I realized that I shouldn't be doing this...

I pulled myself off of him

"I can't do this" I said before I ran back into the house. I fought the blindness of my tears and ran towards the living room. Joe's arms caught me before I could trip again.

"Serena" he called, while bringing me into the kitchen. He gave me a box of Kleenex, and then pulled me back into his arms.

"sweetie, I'm so sorry" Serena said

"yea, I shouldn't of let him come out there"

"Joe, it's fine, we both needed to get our feelings out, it's just too bad that he didn't know how to control his"

" you're right, honey" Serena said

'I am just so sorry, that I ruined your night, I suppose I should just go, and let you guys have a peaceful night" I said, taking a new Kleenex

"Tiff, don't ever say that, we all love you here" Joe said

"Tiff, you're going to need some company tonight, and since it wouldn't be a good thing to stay in the same place as Nick, do you want Joe and I to come stay with you ?"

"It would help a lot, as long as you guys don't mind" I said, taking a sip of my glass of water

"don't be ridiculous, we still need a years worth of catching up to do"

"haha, okay Joe"

"I'll have my mom and Frankie come in here, and me and Serena will go pack our over night stuff" He said, and then he left, calling for his mother and youngest brother

I had hugs from both, and small talk with both of them, and then they both left so they could both use the restroom.

Joe, Serena and I soon left, getting hugs and kisses from all of the family members, all but Nick, who seamed to devastated to leave his bedroom.

Then we all left into my car, Joe drove and Serena sat with me in the back, comforting me.
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extra long chapter, it took me 2 hours to write on here ! mkay well I'll add more tomorrow, comments rock my world <3