Take My Hand and Don't Let Go


I walked back to where I saw Bianca. When I got back there she was being escorted to dance with some guy. I decided to walk to where they were serving food, I was starving. I made my way there, and grabbed a very small cold-cut sandwich, and took one of the small,circular cup and filled it with this rasberry punch. I threw the cup into the trash and turned to walk away, but apparently the person behind me had other plans, and I was suddenly crashing down to the floor.

"oh my goodness, miss, are you okay ?" the man asked me, offering his hand to help me up, I gracisioully took it.

"yes, I'm fine" I said

He opened his mouth to say something, but then somebody's voice came into the microphone

"hello ? hello ? may I have your attention please ?" the guy said, most likley Joe, but I wasn't going to say anything, we were suposed to keep our identities a secret

"I have been dating this lovely woman right here" he said gesturing towards Ariel "for almost two years now, and she has been the best thing in my life since then, and today infront of everyone, I would like to ask you for your hand in marriage" he then put the microphone into the stand, and got down on one knee and we all watched his lips move as he asked her the question, and then suddenly he was spinning her around on the stage and the room was filled with applause

"that was very sincere" the man said

"it was" I agreed

"would you like to dance ?" he asked me

"yes, I'd love to" I said, taking his hand as he lead me to the dance floor. When we got there, I carefully wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands taking there own place on my waist

"what is your name ?" he asked

"we're suposed to keep our identitie a secret" I pointed out to him

"clever" was all he said

"so, tell me about yourself" i said making conversation "what do you do for a living"

"I'm a singer" he said, sounding a little too proud of himself "what about you ?"

"I am a dancer" I said

"ah, you look like one, the long legs, tall body, your very beautiful I must say, even though I can't see half of your face"

"thankyou, your pretty handsome too, and you have good taste in clothes, I like your outfit" I said

"thankyou mystery girl" he said

"your welcome mystery man" I said back

"the song is ending" he said quietly, and in his tone you could slightly hear the depression in it, but he was hiding it because he didn't want me to know. I knew he wanted to keep dancing with me, and I couldn't disagree. I didn't want to leave his side either.

"I didn't notice" I said to him, trying not to sound too desperate

"would you like to dance again ?" he asked, this time a hint of nervousness

"I would like that" I admitted

"so tell me, how old are you ?"

"I'll be nineteen next month, how old are you ?"

"I turned nineteen a few months ago"

"not too much of an age difference" I said, trying to sound smart, he just nodded his head. "tell me about yourself, something weird and different"

He pondered that question for a moment "I'm afraid to make my move on the girl that I really like"

"I know what that feals like" I whispered

"what happened to you ?" he asked

"what most people go through, but that was my ex-boyfriend, and that ended after two months, but what my real problem is.." I stopped not sure if I could trust this guy. I let a sigh out and went along "I got in a fight with my best friend, after we both said our feelings for eachother we got into this huge fight, and then I didn't talk to him for awhile but we just met again, and ughh... I am so confused now"

"are you serious ?" he asked me, shock forming on his face " that's what happened to me" pause "I was best friends with this amazing girl, and one night it slipped out that I was secretly in love with her, and then she said the same, and she was talking about dating and everything, but I wasn't ready for that, and I was already dating someone at the time, and then she walked out of my life, but we literally ran into eachother and had this talk, and I'm just still astonished about it, that's why I'm here, to get my mind off of her" He explained to me

"Oh My Gosh, me too, I needed to get my mind off of him" I let out another sigh

"I just don't understand why Nick would do this" I said, and at the same time he said "I just don't understand why Tiffany would do this"

the same words. different names.

"Tiffany ?" I asked questinially, and once again at the same time he says "Nick ?"

I immediatly pulled myself off of him. "who are you ?" I asked suspicisiously while taking a step away from him

"who are you ?" he asked doing the same steps

"I asked you first" crossing my arms as I spoke

"so ?" he said

"since I have the strangest feeling about what is happening right now, so how about on the count of three, we both take off our masks and reveal ourselves ?" I asked, scared to the maximum at this point

"okay" he agreed

One deep breath "one"

His turn. "two"

Both. "three" and we both took our hands to our faces and removed the masks.

"Oh My Gosh" we both said

I think the tears began to fall, like mini raindrops, and I felt his hand wipe it away, but he let it rest on my cheek.

He opened his mouth, letting his lips move, but I couldn't hear the words, a death-broken scream took the place of them. I looked behind him to see what happened. One gasp let out when I saw the chocolate-brown haired girl's magenta strapless dress' ruffles fall to the floor, along with her over-sized body.

"Nick, is that who I think it is ?" I asked nervously, as he wiped another tear away from my face

"I do not know" he said, trying to keep a straight face "mabey we should go look"

then he took my hand and pushed through the croud and we put our masks back on to avoid a stupid argument with the freaks that take these rules seriously.

Sure enough, I saw the one person I didn't want to see on the floor, being carried in her husband's and father in laws arms, crying and screaming in pain.

I looked over at her fellow family members, who were doing the same thing as I.

After a moment of doing this, we all came to our senses and then ran up to the steps were we had already entered, and the whole time I didn't let go of Nick's hand...
♠ ♠ ♠
long chapter :] sorry if it got boring at some parts, but I needed to get all of the information into this, but I thought it was a mysterious ending... oh and is that how you spell it ? indentities ? not sure, but anyway hope you liked this chapter, next one will be up tomarrow. don't be a silent reader, i absolutly adore comments :]