Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 10

Potions class dragged on and on and on. Snape seemed to be in a particularly good mood during that class which was odd since it had recently acquired Harry Fricken Potter. Alice had been trying so hard for the past four years of school and now fate was trying to bring them together. She was his age, shared his thoughts (even if he didn't know that), and knew what he felt. She wanted more than anything to tell him but she knew she couldn't, it wasn't time. Alice glanced across the room in Harry's direction only to find him staring at her. Alice looked back to the front of the class and tried to ignore the burning feeling of eyes staring at her. She turned her head back to him and mouthed 'what.'

Harry watched as Alice tried to communicate to him from across the room. He tried answering back but Snape was watching him. Thank god class was over in two minutes and he could pull her aside and ask her what the hell she's doing. He had to admit to himself and Ron that she was very attractive but he had his sights set on Cho Chang. Even though he never spoke a word to the Ravenclaw girl he knew they would be a cute couple. Snape announced the end of class and Alice booked it out of there. Harry had to almost sprint to catch up with her.
"Wait" Harry said grabbing her by the arm. Jeez she was being man handled all over the place.
"Look I can't talk to you now I'm leaving and don't try to get near me again. It's for your own good" Alice said yanking her arm from his grasp. She ran out of the dungeons and to her next class which was with Hagrid. Of course it was also with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Crab, Goyle, and a few others.

As Alice walked up the stairs and out to the grounds she walked right onto Cedric kissing Cho Chang. "SHIT!" she said outloud as she saw Harry coming up the stairs.
"Cedric! Could I talk to you a moment?" Alice said waving him over.
"Yeah sure" he said walking over. Alice had to think quick of what she was going to say or else she would look like a fool. Then she remembered that he had gotten chosen for the tournament.
"Are you excited for the first challenge?" Alice said watching as Harry walked very slowly out the door to the grounds. She didn't even hear a word of what Cedric said.
"Thats great" Alice said tapping him on the back. She walked away and out to the grounds leaving Cedric just standing there with a 'what the hell just happened' expression on his face.
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short filler

kinda crappy

good stuff is coming

i need some help with time line stuff so all uber harry potter fans please comment on my profile thank you
