Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 15

Alice ran down the stairs, the moving ones. She was going to be very late for potions and she was seriously considering skipping the class. Alice pulled open the door to the hallway and ran out. Again she ran into someone, but it was Draco Malfoy. The last person she really wanted to see at the moment.
"Oh sorry" she said looking down at her feet hoping he would't notice her. Unfortunatly he did notice and grabbed her firmly by the arms.
"What the hell?" he said looking at her sternly. Alice saw the anger in his eyes, it didn't scare her in the least bit. She just looked away from him and tried to get free of his grip. He grabbed her chin and turned her head to face him. She smacked his hand away.
"Draco, not right now. I'm gonna be late for potions and Snape is gonna flip. I'll get points detucted..." Alice stopped when Draco loosened his grip. He held his hand out in the direction she was already heading. She just looked at him blankly.
"Go" was all he said. Alice didn't move, she couldn't. The way he said it, how he was just going to let her go. She wanted to stay, she couldn't stay.
"Well are you leaving or not?" Draco sad his arm still out. Alice let out a defeated sigh and Draco crossed his arms over his chest.
"Why are you in the corridor? Shouldn't you be in class?" Alice asked desperatly trying to avoid the one topic he was trying to talk about.
"I was looking for you" he said bluntly. She just looked at him, at those gray eyes which told so much. There was pain, anger, sadness, they were cold. Alice wanted to kiss him so badly but she knew she couldn't.

Draco looked at her standing there defeated. He loved her, he admitted it to himself. He loved Alice. He loved the way she licked her lips when she was annoyed. The way she teased him with her eyes. He loved how her eyes always gave her away, whatever she was feeling. He wasn't going to let her walk away without an explination as to why she had pretty much knocked him out the day before.

"Draco, I can't go with you to Yule Ball because... I'm going with Oliver Wood" Alice said. She wanted so badly to tell him about her dream. It wasn't his to worry about thought, it wasn't his war.
"WITH WHO!" Draco yelled his arms dropping. Alice turned away from him.
"Well he asked me first and I said yes" she replied. He reached for her but she turned around. He looked so hurt. "Well I heard you are going with Pansy. I heard you guys were making out in the common room. Not that I care" Alice said looking him in the eyes.
"The only reason I said yes, actually I didn't even say yes. And she kissed me!" he yelled back trowing his hands in the air, "And another thing, why the bloody hell did you punch me in the face? Do you really hate me that much?"

Alice grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into her. They were chest to chest yet again. Her heart beat at a rapid pace and she felt like punching him again. Instead she let go and pushed him away. She looked at Draco's face watched his expression soften as he realized that maybe there was a method to her madness.

Draco noticed her eyes full of sadness. He knew there was something she wasn't telling him.
"Alice, look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you" he said his voice calm. Alice couldn't stop the tears but she sure as hell wasn't going to let him see her cry. She never showed her true emotions, never wore her heart on her sleeve. At least she tried not to.
"It's not you Draco. It's not even me. It's complicated" Alice tried to explain.
"I know there's nothing between us. I don't know why I assumed there was. I was just hoping there was I guess. I'll leave you alone" he said and turned and walk away.

Alice wanted to run into his arms, wanted to scream I love you. She wanted to cry with him holding her, she wanted for everything to stop. She wanted to tell Harry that she was his sister, but she couldn't. She wanted to tell Draco that by pushing him away that she was keeping him alive.

But she couldn't
♠ ♠ ♠
aww Draco :'(


next chapter will be filler then the dragons