Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 2

Alice shot up, cold sweat dripping down her face.Her recurring nightmare was usual by now. The dark hallway.
The blood covered floor.
The cackle from the blackness.
Then the cold hand around her neck killing her.
The green flash from the distance.
She got out of her bead and stood by the window arms crossed over her arms. She watched the rain pour from the inky black sky. The pinprick stars were dull in comparison to the white full moon out side. The moonlight streamed into her room through the single window. Alice walked over to her laptop and turned it on. She opened her playlist and out of the speakers came P.S. I love you by the Hilltoppers. She walked over to the other side of her room and sat back down on her bed. She looked at her room breathing easy now. Her room was a pretty pale blue and the furniture was all a light wood. Her curtains and bed sheets were a crisp white with lace accents. It was her retreat from the world. She would come up here and put on her music and just close her eyes and think. Only Sixteen by Craig Douglas came on and she smiled to herself. She loved the older songs of the past they reminded her of a more simple time when people didn't take as much for granted.

A creak from outside her door made a jump. No one except her was ever up at 2:30 in the morning. Who could it possibly be?

Alice opened the door and stuck her head out into the hallway as Rhapsody in Blue played in the background. She looked down the hallway and saw nothing. She closed the door thinking it must have just been the house shifting.

When she turned around she tried to scream but her voice was caught in her throat. A tall figure in a black hooded cape stood before her. It grabbed her by the throat and picked her up. She knew this was no dream, this was real. It squeezed with all its might almost breaking her neck. She gasped for air and thought that she was done when it dropped her and fled.

The door burst open as her mother stood in the doorway with a lit candle. Mrs. Tribecet was the muggle who had willingly accepted her as her daughter. Her and her husband had relatives who were of the magic realm and wanted nothing more than to help out. They had heard what had happened to those who had stood up against Voldemort and did not fear him.

Alice lay on the floor pale and limp, sweat gleamed on her face in the moonlight. The dark lord had been there that night. He had been there in the form of someone, his dark tainted spirit had been there.
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really bad i know but i got to get these up
