Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 20

Alice sat outside on the grass by the Quidditch field. She was holding her knees to her chest and felt like crying. The snow had stopped but she was still cold, even in three long sleeve shirts, a turtleneck, a sweater, and a scarf. She was trying not to cry over the fact that she may have made a mistake. "I should be with Wood," she told herself over and over again. "It's that stupid Draco," she said to herself throwing some snow.

Alice saw Oliver walking toward her. She jumped up and walked over to him.
"Wood look, I don't know what I was thinking. I like you, it's just..." she couldn't finish. She didn't know what it was.
"Alice look, this is my last year at Hogwarts. Maybe it's for the best if we don't continue to be anything more than friends" he said. Alice just looked at him, she was glad he had said it. She knew he was right, but at the same time she felt a part of her was missing. Alice liked Wood, but that stupid Malfoy was just... he made her feel different.
"No Oliver," Alice said but he shook his head and walked away from her.

The next day she saw him in the hallway and tried to start a conversation with him. He completely ignored her, which is understandable.
"Please talk to me" Alice cried kicking the ground. She walked the other direction back to the common room. She had to prepare Harry for the next challange by dropping subtle hints because she knew he still hadn't figured it out. Alice had found out what the next challenge was going to be after she over heard a couple of teachers talking about the dangers of it. She had to think of a way to let him know without actually her telling him.

Alice found Cedric in the courtyard between classes.
"Hey I need to talk to you" she said pulling him aside from his friends.
"What's up" he asked.
"Ok the egg is a clue to your next challenge. You need to go underwater with it or else you won't be able to hear anything but screaming" she explained.
"Huh, where should I go?" he said leaning in closer in case anyone else was listening.
"The prefects bathroom is a good place. Oh and one more thing, could you maybe give Harry a hint he's a bit slow" and with that Alice walked away.
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Short filler chapter i think next chapter is the weird violent one.


Harley.Quinn <-- owe you one, thank you