Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 21

Alice was wandering the corridors again, past the hour any student should be up. She had the dream yet again, only more vivid and with another person added to the slaughter list. Alice went to walk up some stairs and saw someone moving. She followed them up the stairs and onto the landing.

"Hey" Alice said as the started to pick up their pace. When they heard her voice they stopped. It was then that she noticed the platinum hair, Draco.
"What the hell are you doing up?" he asked spinning around.
"I could ask the same thing of you couldn't I?" Alice said walking up to the step he was on.

They were alone in the stairwell. It was cold and dark, an eerie feeling was settling in. Alice looked around as she heard something moan in the distance, the ghosts still made her feel uneasy.
"Draco, I want to ask you a question. But I'm afraid you'll get mad" Alice said looking back at him.
"Ask" he said leaning up against. the wall. Alice breathed in and then out.
"I heard you and Pansy are a thing, is it true?" she asked backing up a little as she saw his face change from calm to aggravated.
"GOD! What the hell is it with all you stupid ignorant people. Just because we went to Yule together doesn't mean we are an item. What about you and Wood, are you together?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the hall. Alice looked down at her feet, then clenched her fists. She looked up at him with the most awful look. Thank god looks can't kill, Draco thought to himself.
"Well atleast she likes you, at least you could be something. Clearly I made a mistake, I should have kicked your sorry ass and stayed with Wood. You obviously think I'm stupid and ignorant and Wood hasn't spoken to me" Alice yelled tears stinging her eyes. Draco reached for her, noticing what a mistake he had made.
"Alice, I didn't mean..." he started.
"No, just leave me alone" she said running up the stairs.

Draco went after her, but decided to go back to his common room and leave it for tomorrow.
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Ok thats done next one will be up after I eat some yummy peanut butter!
