Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 22

Alice ran up the flight of stairs away from Draco. How could I be so stupid, she thought to herself, I should have stayed with Wood. Alice looked up and saw something moving, it was another person. They turned around and Alice could see the white eyes, cloudy and glazed over. Alice knew that this person was taken over by something, and now that they had seen her they weren't going to let her get away.

The person started chasing Alice down the stairs out into the main entrance of the school. Alice was running to wherever she could go, Snape would know what to do. She ran down the stairs and almost made it to the door to the dungeons but the girl appeared in front of her.
"Pansy?" Alice asked recognizing the pug faced girl. The girl didn't respond, she just grabbed Alice by the neck and lifted her. Pansy started walking with Alice held by the neck and threw her into a wall.
"What the bloody hell?" Alice said standing up. Pansy just walked toward her again. Alice was shoved into the wall by Pansy. Her eyes were completely white, cloudy and glazed over. Alice didn't know what was going on but she knew that Voldemort had something to do with it. He was growing stronger and now he was coming. Pansy pulled a knife out of her robe. Alice's eyes widened with fright as she watched the knife. Pansy thrust the knife into Alice's side letting her crumple to the floor. Alice was on her hands and knees, she went to pull the knife out but found that it and Pansy had vanished. Alice grabbed her side trying to prevent the blood from spilling out. She had to get to Snap, she had to tell him.

Alice stumbled to the door that led to the dungeons and made her way down the stairs steading her self with her free hand. She held to the wall and slowly made her way down. She could hear voices. When she arrived at the last step she saw Draco and Snape talking, clearly Snape was scolding Draco for being out so late.
"Snape" Alice said breathlessly. He turned to look at her, and so did Draco. The next thing Alice remembered was everything going black.

Draco saw Alice leaning against the wall. He saw the pained expression on her face, saw the blood covering her hand. He watched as her eyes closed and she fell. He ran to her catching her before she hit the ground. Snape ran over and ripped a piece of his robe off to try and stop the bleeding of Alice's wound.

They took her to the hospital wing. Draco carrying Alice the whole way, feeling no weight at all. On their way they found Pansy cumpled in a ball on the floor. Sweat making her hair stick to her forehead, but she was surprisingly cold. Snape then knew what had happened. He had been here.
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alright probably last update for awhile, i'm going out for the rest of the day
