Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 5

The school was aglow. The glass like marble floors sparkled with the reflection from the fire. The Great Hall was bustling with students. The first years were staying in one tight knit pack in fear of getting lost. The long tables were bare for now but would soon be full for the feast. At the front of the Great Hall was the table where the professors were seated. Dumbeldore look happy as always which was shocking after what had just happened in his office.

Alice walked into Dumbledore's office and sat down in a chair before his desk. His phoenix was not in his new office yet. The pictures on the wall all looked at her for a second then turned away thinking her nothing more than a regular student.
"Hello again Alice" Dumbledore said coming down from the study.
"Hello Professor" Alice replied bowing her head in respect. She had learned over the years that she was in fact one of his favorite students.
"Well, I heard about the train ride today" he said not looking at her directly. He had become aged since the last time they met. His eyes looked tired and old. His normal cheery disposition seemed to be fading.
"Look I didn't mean to. I was simply looking for a place to sit" Alice said looking at him.
"Still you were there long enough that Voldemort might have sensed something" Dubledore replied.
"It was bound to happen" Alice muttered under her breath.
"That does not excuse this. You must be more careful" Dumbledore said raising his voice and slamming his hands on his desk. Alice sunk into her chair and looked around the room.
"Alice I'm just trying to protect you and the rest of the students" he said calming down and looking at her with care in his eyes.
"Well, he should be told sooner. I feel something coming and it's not pleasent. He's coming I know he is" Alice said standing up. She grabbed her things and stormed off down the stairs and to the Gryffindor common room.

Alice flicked her food around with her fork. She didn't have many friends at Hogwarts. She was well liked and had people she could hang out with. But she very much envied Harry and his friends. She looked down the table at her brother and watched him laughing with his friends.
"Why hello there. I don't think I've seen you around before" a tall very handsome boy said sitting down next to Alice. She looked at him with a wide eyed surprise. Not many people randomly came up to her and said hi.
"Well I've been here for four years and I've never seen you" she replied to him looking back at her plate of food.
"Cedric Diggory" he said extending his hand.
"Alice Po... Tribecet" she said catching herself. She had recently been having trouble remembering her name. Cedric gave her a puzzled look. Alice just smiled and shook his hand.

Albus Dumbledore cleared his throat very loudly causing the room to go quiet.
"Welcome all to the fine day. As you may have heard already about the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Well I am happy to announce that we will be hosting this year. So know will you all welcome our guests" he said his voice booming. At that moment the Great Hall doors opened and in came a group of girls dressed in blue. Birds flew in and then a giant woman walked in. Hagrid's face went pink as the woman looked at him.

The next group in were men that wore red and animal skin capes. One blew fire and the man that walked in with them look rugged and cross. Alice made a point to stay away from them, until she saw one of the boys. Victor Krum walked down the middle of the Great Hall head held high and back straight. He was very handsome Alice thought but watched as his gaze fell on Hermione, who then blushed and turned away. Alice watched Ron and Harry roll their eyes and shove food into their mouths. She thought that was very interesting.
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i thought this was good chapter

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