Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 6

Again the dream. Alice shot up out of bed and was breathing heavy. She got out of bed and put her brunette hair into a messy bun. She walked down the stairs to the common room. She jumped when she realized someone was sitting in the chair. It was Harry and he was talking into the fire. That's odd Alice thought to herself, she peered over the chair and saw him talking to Black. Oh good it was to see him again even if he was flame. A thud made Alice duck down behind the chair. She realized that someone was coming down the stairs. She ran to the other side of the room but still within ear shot hidden under a table.

"Harry? Who are you talking to?" Ron asked Harry. Harry turned around to face him.
"Nobody why do you want to know?" Harry said his voice full of hurt. Alice tuned out not wanting to intrude on her brothers fight but however she did hear them arguing about Harry being entered in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Apparently his name was put into the Goblet of Fire and now... well you know. Alice couldn't hold herself back from jumping out from under the table.
"Harry how could you be that stupid you can't enter that you'll die" she yelled as quietly as she could. Harry and Ron jumped and then looked at her awkwardly.
"Who the bloody hell are you" Ron asked.
"Oh god I did it again" Alice said smacking her forehead. She looked around the room and then scratched her head.
"Uhh... well I can't tell you who I am" Alice said then she turned to leave.
"Wait. No you can't walk out again who are you" Harry said. He walked over and grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her into a chair. Ron and Harry stood in front of her so she couldn't get up. She knew that this was going to get really bad. She only had to do one thing.

Alice felt really bad about what she did but she knew it had to be done. She had knocked both of them out with a charm that only lasted a couple minutes. When they woke up they wouldn't remember anything that had happened fifteen minutes prior to the spell. She knew she had messed up this time. Alice had basically put up a neon sign saying, "COME IN WE ARE OPEN." There was no way that she or Harry were safe now. She tried to go back to sleep but could only see the visions of the things that were haunting her. Alice could only see her nightmares.

After Harry and Ron woke up they were very confused.
"Why am I here?" Ron asked looking around the room.
"I agree, why are you here" Harry said looking into the fire.
"Why am I here why are you here" Ron said his voice very sleepy.
"I don't know" Harry said then fell over onto the floor and slept there that night.
"Yeah" said Ron who then fell on top of Harry and snored until morning when Ron's brothers Fred and George would stumble upon them. The jokes would be awful and the talk of a bromance would fade after a week.
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i liked this one :)


thank you