Sequel: Secret Magic

Dark Magic

Chapter 8

Draco sat alone in the common room at the table. He was resting his head on the mahogany table thinking.
That girl.
I don't even know her name.
Why does she hate me?
Maybe she likes Potter?
Why do I care if she likes Potter?
Why did I want to kiss her in the corridor?
These thoughts clouded his mind. He hated being confused because that made him vulnerable. Then he lost control, and then his father won. Draco hated his father so much. It was an awful feeling in his cold heart, he never had a father really.

Lucius Malfoy was never proud of his son. Since Draco had been a baby his father had tried everything in his power to get rid of him. Lucius left him in cars in the summer heat only to come back and find that Draco had magically been able to keep himself cool. Lucius had tried giving him sharp objects to play with, tried leaving him to play by the street, put him in a basket and sent him away. Each time Draco had somehow come back to him each time stronger than the last. It was an awful childhood Draco had to endure. It was never clear why Lucius hated his son he just did.

Crab and Goyle came thumping downstairs interrupting Draco's thoughts. The stupid lumps Draco thought to himself.
"Uh hello" said Crab looking at Draco with his squished face and squinty eyes. Crab tried to fit his fat body onto a chair but failed. Goyle on the other hand had quite a large elongated face. The henchmen always by his side always there to act as security.
"So what are you thinkin' about?" Goyle asked. Draco rolled his eyes and stood up walking towards the stairs.
"Where you going boss?" Crab asked getting up and following Draco up the stairs. Draco spun around and looked directly into Crabs eyes.
"You my friend are a dumbass" Draco said then ran up the stairs.

Crab and Goyle gave each other confused looks then shrugged and went upstairs.
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Ok I know the end is bad but I have to get to the Yule Ball and Beyond.