I'm Dating Jonas

Chapter 1

Monica Kazinski jumped out of the still moving taxi and threw money through the window. She slammed the door shut and ran down the city street holding her hat on her head and clutching her paper and bag in the other. She ran down the wet crowded sidewalks of New York jumping through crowds of people and over puddles. She ran into streets narrowly missing taxis while their drivers shouted in launguages she never heard before. She ran into the side door of a tall grey building, flashing her pass to the guard as she flew down the hallway. She was already fifteen minutes late and she did not want to lose this job. As she ran, the paper she was holding flew out of her hand. She doubled back to get it and when she turned around she bumped into a very plump woman with overly dyed syrupy red hair. She was short in stature and round like a ball. She had wrinkles and curly hair that rested just above her shoulders.
“Miss Kazinski I presume?” she asked.
“Yes” Monica said panting for out of breath from running all the way here.
“We have been waiting for you, you’re late,” she said looking at her clipboard and turning to walk down the hallway. Monica shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. She knew that she was late, she was constantly checking her Blackberry for the time.
“This way Miss Kazinski” the woman said leading her down the hallway to a black door that had lime green tape lining.
“It’s Monica,” Monica said running to keep up with the woman’s fast-paced walk.
“Miss Kazinski we are on a professional level here and you will treat the band on such a level or you shall be fired. You will call me Miss Jenson and nothing else,” the plump woman said. Monica nodded and continued to follow. Miss Jenson pushed the black door open and blinding Monica with light. On stage, the band was rehersing for their show tonight. Monica was in charge of photography for their tour in the New York state. She was excited the job description had included what genre band it was. It had said pop rock and she liked music so she was hoping it was someone she had in her music collection.

She thought of having conversations with the band and then how cool it would be for them to take her with them to all of their shows. She would live the glamour of being famous without having to have any actual talent. She thought of telling her friends about how she and the band were close and how they were inviting her to the release party of their new album. Music started blaring from the speakers interrupting her daydreams and she immediately recognized the overly produced disgustingly poppy music that came out. It was “Burning Up” by the Jonas Brothers.

That is when she looked up onto the stage and realized that they were the rock pop band she was photographing. She definitely erased any wishes she had made prior to this new knowledge. She rolled her eyes at the stage crew girls that were giggling stupidly jumping up and down in front of the stage.
“Shouldn’t you be doing your job?” Monica yelled at them quickly causing them to disperse along with the smiles on their faces. Monica decided she would rather have screamo blared into her ears than go through a month of this.
“Miss Kazinski over here” Miss Jenson yelled, a shrill make your ears bleed kind of yell. Monica ran over, took off her jacket, and put it down on her bag. She was wearing dark denim skinny jeans tucked into black suede ankle boots. She had a grey loose cotton vest over the white shirt. Her straight brunette hair hung over her shoulders and her blown out bangs came to just above her eyebrows. She opened her bag and pulled out her black Nikon camera that cost a months salary. Minimum wage did not go very far. She had been working at the same stupid office job for about two years now. She was hoping this would be her big break so she could finally quit her job and focus on her photography career. Monica’s job included coffee runs, replenishing toilet paper, doing oddball errands for random head clients and workers. Her manager barley remembered her name apart from the monthly check where he was a stickler for hand printing all of the checks for his thirty-five employees. He may know all of the employees’ names but he cannot match the faces to the names. “Miss Kazinski come over here and meet the band whom I’m sure that you know because all girls listen to and love the Jonas Brothers,” Miss Jenson said grabbing Monica by the arm and pulling over to the stage.
“Actually I hate this band. I think that they are a talent less band that has corrupt the music industry and made Disney rich off of a scam that pumps innocent little girls of their parents money to fuel a industry that is built upon empty wishes and false hopes,” Monica explained not noticing that she was within earshot of every person on the stage. Someone coughed causing her to snap back and realize that everyone including Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas had heard her.
“Um well hello, Miss Kazinski” Joe said extending his hand to her. Monica plastered a smile on her face and took his hand.
“Talent less huh?” Nick said nodding.
“Empty wishes, that’s a different spin on things,” Kevin said standing up and brushing invisible dirt off his tight pants. Nick shook his fingers through his hair and stood up pulling Joe up with him. Joe had his usual tight white pants on that showed more than necessary for a Disney sponsored event.
“Well looks like you got off on the right foot,” Miss Jenson said sarcastically as she walked away clutching the clipboard to her chest. The girls behind snickered as they walked passed.
“Well we’re gonna warm up now so if you don’t mind standing in the back” Kevin said walking past Monica with his guitar.
“Fine” she said jumping of the stage and walking up the ramp to the back of the theater.
“1, 2, 3, 4!” Joe yelled punching his fist up at the pulse of the music. “Here we go” Monica said aloud to no one in particular. She placed her camera up to her eye and snapped a perfect picture of one of Joe Jonas’ kicks. He then went to slide down the length of the catwalk. He got a quarter of the way down, his pants stuck, and he flipped over face planting on the stage. Monica burst out laughing while the stage girls ran to help their fallen hero up. “You really thought that was funny?” Nick asked squinting at her as usual.
“Well of course” Monica said walking down the ramp to the stage camera in hand.
“If he really thought he was going to make it down the stage like that then yes very much,” she said placing her camera back into her bag. She walked over to the stage and held out her hand. “If you help me onto the stage I’ll teach you how to slide like a pro,” Monica said smiling. The brothers exchanged looks and then Joe helped her up. “Ok well first, your pants” Monica said motioning to Joes legs.

Monica walked to the beginning of the catwalk where Joe would start. She took off her boots and revealed a mismatched pair of neon stripped socks. “What I woke up late,” she said noticing the looks she was getting. “Ok next is your execution,” Monica said rubbing her hands together. “What do you mean?” Joe asked tilting his head to one side. Monica ran and slid shooting her left leg out keeping her right leg knelt under her. This gave her an extra foot of slide and allowed her to stand up straight on her right leg. For added fun, she turned on one foot when she got up, landing it clean.

“Wow” came from the brothers behind her.
“What, you’ve never seen it done like that before?” Monica said grabbing her boots and walking over to the brothers.
“No” said Kevin bluntly looking over at Joe.
“What?” Joe said defensively skulking away. So they weren’t robots that were programmed to do good, Monica thought sarcastically. It seemed that Joe was jealous of her amazing talent to slide down a stage. Monica smiled to herself.
“It’ll just be one minute,” Nick said running after his brother. She watched the two boys talk to each other and it was funny to watch someone get so upset over a persons skill.
“So what was your name again?” Kevin asked.
“Monica” Monica replied nodding with a slight smile on her face. A muffled version of Swing by Savage played and Monica ran over to her bag. “Hello?” she said grabbing her Blackberry Bold from her bag. “Um, ok, well I’m at a job right now. Yup ok, I will, bye” Monica said hanging up the phone. “Look I’m really sorry but I really got to go” she said putting her jacket on and grabbing her bag. “No it’s cool we’ll cover for you, promise” Kevin said. Monica mouthed thank you as she ran out the door back into the grey narrow hallway.
♠ ♠ ♠
more to come

comments are welcome

dont hate me because i hate them :)

monicas outfit looks like this : http://www.polyvore.com/monicas_first_day/set?id=10185483