No Need to Run


Payton's P.O.V

I was so proud of Kandy. She had gotten away from the kidnappers and gone straight to a police officer. Now that Kandy is home and safe, I have decided to take the mission. As long as its ok with everyone else. But first, I had some explaining to do to Kandy. This was not going to be easy.

Kathy's P.O.V

Telling Kandy about our past was NOT easy. I could tell at first that she didn't believe us. Then I saw her anger at us not telling her. When we were finished, she yelled "I can't believe you LIED to me. You always said never lie, but you've been doing it all these years! I can't believe you!!!" And she stomped off to her room. We clearly heard her door slam.

After Kandy was safely at a secret location, the rest of us left for the agency. Once there, the boss walked us through the mission.

"We have tracked a band of notorious drug dealers and murderers around the world. But every time our team gets there, they have already gone. Everywhere they go, they leave a few body's, and afew drug addicts. We have drawn maps of everywhere they have gone, we have pictures, profiles, and all the equipment you may need. Please, find these guys and bring them in. I promise you, we won't bother you again."

"That's what you said when we retired. How do we know you break your promise again?" Scribble asked. I replied for him.
"Here's your reassurance that he won't bother us sweety." I pulled him into a quick kiss. "Now, let's bring in these guys!"