No Need to Run


Scribble's P.O.V

After the kiss, we all went to work. Kyle and I worked on some helpful gadgets and stuff, Kathy and Payton went over the pictures and profiles, while Sam and Sammy went over the maps. We all worked for a few hours. During that time, a few of us made exclamations over finding something strange or interesting. One time Kathy made an exclamation that I was extremely happy, and unhappy about...

Kathy was looking at a profile, when she gasped. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "This guy, I knew him in high school. He had the hugest crush on me. He asked me to the prom and I said no. After that he seemed to hate my guts. I thought he had died in a car crash. That guy was so creepy." was her reply.

Kathy's P.O.V

When I saw Kevin Snitternon's name in the profile, I couldn't believe it. I just had to gasp. I knew that this was not going to go smoothly. Before the car crash he had tried to kill me. Of course, he was no match for me. But after that I avoided him, and he tried to get me to go on dates with him. I never did understand him. I just knew he was dangerously crazy.

Sam's P.O.V

Sammy and I were going over the maps. After a while, I noticed something. Drawing straight lines between the co-ordinates in order spelled most of the word CRIME. All that was missing was a part of the E. "Guys! I know where they are going next!" I shouted, and everyone gathered 'round.