No Need to Run


Sammy's P.O.V

We were on the plane on the way to California. We were going to some town that I forget the name of. It was a small town, so it shouldn't be too hard to find the gang. We were going undercover as a family of travelers. We all had pictures of the badguys, and if we saw even one we would trail them. We were gonna bring these guys in no matter what.

As we arrived, we headed over to the house that the agency had set up for us. It was big enough for all of us to stay at. We unpacked and started surveilance. We took walks around the town, and visited most of the shops. For a few weeks we found nothing, until one day, when the whole thing came together...

Kathy's P.O.V

One day, a few weeks after we arrived, we finally spotted something. I saw Kevin Snitterton in the drivers seat of a black car. I didn't know what kind it was, I was not into that kind of thing. We immediately went and got in our car, and followed, at a distance. He parked at a house, and we took a detour, so he wouldn't know we were following him. When we got back to the house, the car was still there, so we snuck up to the windows and looked inside.

The rooms were empty. Little did I know, it was a trap. Six men came up behind us, and stuck guns to the backs of our heads. Two each. Fighting would be too dangerous, so we didn't. They led us into the house where they took all of our gadgets away, tied us up and gagged us. Luckily they didn't take my watch. Now I just needed them to leave the room.Hopefully they left soon...

Sorry its short. I am brain dead right now