No Need to Run

Chapter 7

Once me and Payton locked eyes we began our work. I worked on my leges and as worked on her arms. then we switched. Once done with the we got up and untied everybody else.

Payton and I knocked out the thugs outside the door. Once that was finished we scampered out of the room to find more thugs. We knocked them out too. Payton found some rope adn we tied them up.

We were exhausted.

We all stepped outside to find agents swarmming the place.

"Gee, how nice of you guys to come get us..." Payton said.

"No kidding. i think I called oh 45 minutes ago..." I said.

"Oh shut up" our boss siad and with that we shut up. Waiting till this mission was over before we were going to cricize our used to be boss...

Sorry its short. Kandy was supposed to write the rest of the story... but no... oh well. comments please!!!