Perfect Little Girl

Like the led had dropped out of his pencil

Monday came and the weekend went. Cho wanted to know what was going on. Why was Frank being like this? Had she done something to offend him? These questions buzzed around Cho’s head all weekend and she couldn’t wait for Monday to talk to him about it.
The whole Monday morning routine was the same as always. Banging to May and Aya in the hall making pancakes for them, Parents coming downstairs offering to give Cho and Aya a lift, them refusing, walking to the school bus in silence, getting on the bus and Cho sitting with Ella and Aya sitting with Chase.
The bus ride to school was as noisy as ever except that Cho and Ella weren’t talking. Cho had said hi like normal, but Ella continued to star out the window as though she had not heard her.
“Ella, hi.” Ella continued to ignore her staring blankly out of the window. “Why are you ignoring me?” asked Cho.
“Because of him.” She spat nastily.
“What do you mean him?” Cho asked angrily.
“He’s a total freak and you left a scratch on the perfect record of the cheerleading squad. Look back, who have all the cheerleaders dated, softball players, football players, male cheerleaders? Not him. He is not what we date.”
“No, your right. Maybe he’s what I date. Maybe I like to date someone with half a brain and have a sense of humour and their own personality.”
The rest of the bus journey was in silence and as the bus parked up by the school both girls left angry and not talking to each other.
As Cho entered cheerleading practice she could feel all eyes on her. She just ignored them and went to sit by Aya, Chase and Ella like she always did, but then she saw the way Ella looked at her and walked porously in the opposite direction and sat on her own.
Trinity walked in, with her blonde bimbo friends behind her. Except she looked different, she and her friends use to be the three blonds but know it was the two blonds and the black haired. Trinity had died her hair black, or a glossy brown whichever she still had dark hair. It looked so different especially against her new kit she was wearing. They were wearing a dark blue and yellow mini skirt and a dark blue V.neck strap top with yellow lining and a picture of a bulldog on the chest, which showed their perfectly toned stomach. They were also wearing white Nike Airs and dark blue and yellow socks. They looked actually quite good and ready for kicking some but in the cheerleading competitions in May.
“This is obviously the knew cheerleading outfit. Guys yours are just plain dark blue track suit bottoms and sleeveless blue and yellow tops with the bulldog on.”
They all got into their new kits and looked really good. Well Cho thought anyway. She could see Aya, Chase and Ella looking slightly annoyed. I guess she could understand why. Elliot had got a new kit only last year and everyone had really liked it, this was just as nice but it was like Elliot’s legacy had gone completely, like there was nothing left that was hers. A few weeks before Trinity had changed a perfectly good cheer to a completely new one. Why? No one new but the leadership had definitely changed.
They started up on the new cheer and routine.
The cheer was simple and any idiot could do it. The Cheer was pretty simple as well. A few twists and turns of the body and then a full twisting layout from the height of the boys.
The cheer was:

All right
we're sweet
we got the whip
we cant be beat
we're the best our team's too cool
we got the class to rock this school
ah yeah
We bad, we got the team
we can't be had
we're the best
so score them points
you win the game
we'll rock this joint
go Mad dogs go Mad dogs go go go Mad dogs
our game is fierce
and we are hip
so get on back
you can't touch this
Our game is bad
we're without peer
so get that weakness outta here
go Mad dogs go Mad dogs go go go Mad dogs

So simple. Cho hated it. It was so preppy and it annoyed her senseless, but if Trinity said she ha to do it then that’s what she’d do. So all lesson Cho worked so hard to make sure everything she did was perfect.
As the bell rang at the end of the lesson sweat poured from her face and she could feel trickles seeping down her back. Nice. There was 10 minutes to go before the next class just enough time to have a shower. Everyone was leaving in groups of two or threes to the showers and to get out of their sticky uniforms.
“Cho,” called out Trinity from the front of the hall, in which they had been practicing. “Can I have a word?”
Cho walked over to her, tensely, she had a feeling this was about Frank she didn’t want to talk about it. But when Cho was face to face with Trinity she saw something else behinds those evil grey eyes. She looked like a tiger that was about to pounce on her pray.
“You were out of time with your full twisting layout.” She said as though she cared. “And it’s well…I don’t want to sound horrible…but it’s because you’re fat.”
It felt like a tonne of bricks had fallen down on Cho’s head. She couldn’t believe what she had just said yet she felt like it was the truth. She had always been bigger the Aya and maybe that was bad. She never really had thought about it before, she was average for girls her size, but average wasn’t going to cut it if she wanted to be the best.
“ Your right.” Said Cho simply.
Trinity looked taken aback for about half a second before regaining composure,
“Of course I’m right. That’s why I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of everyone. Because I’m a nice friend.”
With that she flounced off leaving Cho in her wake to have a super quick 5-minute shower.
After a quick shower and dry, which, Cho was pleased to say only took 4 and a half minutes, Cho rushed into Social Studies only a couple of minutes late. After a hurried apology for being late, Cho sat down ruthlessly next to Frank who seemed fixated at the empty piece of paper in front of him. Normally it would be covered in doodles of motorbikes, an obsession he had, but today it was just plain and empty.
Just like his eyes. They were plain and empty. Like the led had dropped out of his pencil, like he new that nothing was ever going to change.
Cho decided after 10 minutes into the lesson that she hated time. Because when ever she wanted time to go quickly it had the unnatural habit of slowing down, so much so that it felt like every minute lasted eternity. Cho had never been so inattentive in a class before but this one defiantly takes the cake. She felt so awkward around Frank and still mulling over what Trinity had said that she could of happily put her head down on the desk and sleep. As J.D from Scrubs says it doesn’t take a doctor to tell you that a good night sleep can do you wonders. But Cho still had 4 more hours of school left. Oh goody.