My Waitress.

Coffee and unorthodox offers.

My waitress hands me my coffee and walks away. Back behind the big counter where she stands and takes orders. Then walks to a random table asking someone do they want another cup of coffee with one of those coffee jugs that are so overused in almost every movie. For a while I just sit and watch her, always looking away when she looks this way. And blushing furiously when she catches me looking. My coffee goes slowly cold as I sit and watch. All the while having no clue where my brother is. I start to wonder has he abandoned me in this café.

I finish my coffee, draining the last cold dregs from my cup and wave my hand at her. She comes over.

“Well what can I get for you hon?” she asks and flashes me a grin. He teeth are perfect and white. Theres no lipstick smudged on them like I’ve seen so many times with other people.

“Uhm, more coffee please.” I manage to say coherently.

“Sure thing. Lemme just get another jug, this ones gone cold.” she says and indicates to the coffee jug in her right hand.

“Kay.” I mumble and watch as she walks back to the counter and exchanges the half empty jug of cold coffee for a fuller one of just boiled stuff. Then she comes back.

“I’m Lindsey.” she says and smiles as she pours the steaming liquid into my cup.

“Gerard, pleased to meet you.” I say in response and take the cup from her when its full.

“So I’ve seen you in here twice in two weeks, yet you don’t seem to be from around here.” she says and sits down on the seat on the opposite side of the table.

“I’m not. I’m actually from the other side of the country. My brother dragged me here with him for some meeting he had. It was this or sit home with nothing to do.” I say and take a mouthful of coffee. Its hot, but not too much so. Just too strong.

“Oh, that’s cool.” she murmurs and looks almost upset by what I’d said.

“What about you Ms. Lindsey?” I ask as I rip open a sugar packet and pour the contents into my cup. “Are you from around here?”

“Yeah, I live about a ten minute drive from here. In this tiny town. But originally I’m from Kansas. I moved to Cali to yano be an actress. But it didn’t work out. So now I’m living in nowhere Nevada, working as a waitress in a tiny café.” she explains and pours herself a cup of coffee.

“By any chance have you seen a thin guy with glasses and kinda blonde brown hair?” I ask before adding more sugar to my coffee. It still wasn’t quite right.

“Oh, uhm yeah. I saw him about a half hour ago. He asked me to tell you two would be staying in a motel in the same town where I live, he doesn’t want to drive any farther today.” she says and smiles.

“I may just kill my brother.” I mumble to myself and take a mouthful of the coffee. It tastes just right now. “How far away is the town?”

“Uhm, its about five miles.” she murmurs into her cup.

“Holy crap!” I almost shout it. “I have to walk that far. And it‘s getting dark too. Oh I am going to kill my brother.”

“I know it’s kinda unorthodox, since I’ve only known you about twenty minutes. But if your willing to wait, I’m finished here in about an hour. And I could drop you off.”

“You’d really do that for me?” I ask her shocked. “I mean I could be a murderer, or a rapist for all you know! I’m not by the way.” I add hastily at the end.

“I know, but something about you makes you special Gerard.” she says and grins. “So if you don’t mind the wait I’d be happy to bring you.”

“I’d love that Ms. Lindsey.” I say and smile at her.

“Okay, I’ll be done in an hour. Help yourself to coffee from the jugs and settle in.” she says and stands up going back to her job of serving customers.

I sit back and watch her for the hour, sketching absentmindedly all the while.
♠ ♠ ♠
Right, I'm making this into something kinda longer. Not more than ten chapters but something longer.