
Ch: 9

The ride ended and I ran behind a black tree without any leaves and threw up.

"Wow you weren't kidding about getting sick." Solomon said.

I walked out from behind the tree and hugged my stomach.

"So are we here?" I asked him.

There seemed to be a loud trumpet sound.

"Oh, god he's so dramatic." Solomon said.

"Your dad?" I asked him.

"No my brother, just stay close behind me. Hopefully he won't notice you." he said.

He stood in front of me. Two very beautiful women walked in front of him throwing black rose petals onto the ground and then there was a black carpet that rolled out. Then I saw a two black horses pulling a large black carriage. It stopped in front of us. Solomon frowned crossing his arms. A servant walked to the door of the carriage and pulled it open. Stairs fell out of the carriage and then out came a taller, better looker version of Solomon. I think my mouth dropped by his handsomeness.

"Brother so glad to see you." his brother said walked up and hugged him.

Solomon didn't flinch then he looked at me and smiled.

"And who is this gorgeous young overlander you brought?" he asked.

"I'm Sam." I said to him.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. His kiss was warm. I giggled and turned red.

"Don't fall for it." Solomon muttered next to me.

"Come brother, and friend. To my lovely castle." his brother said.

"You mean father's castle?" Solomon asked.

"Not for long." he muttered and stood next to the carriage.

Solomon held out his hand and I held it and climbed into the carriage and then his brother brushed past him and climbed in sitting next to me and then Solomon. The door closed behind us and the journey back to the castle began.

As the carriage pulled along Gabriel asked questions about myself.

"So, how is life in the overworld?" he asked me.

"Good, I guess." I said.

"Tell me, do you have any tattoos? Piercings?" he asked.

"I'm not old enough and I don't like needles." I said.

"Seems like you got yourself a little angel." Gabriel said looking at his brother suspeciously.

"Well... actually, I do have a tattoo I didn't like how it came out." I said to him.

"May I see it?" his brother asked.

I turned red and started to panic.

"Well actually, it's in a more private region." I said.

His eyes seemed to glisten.

"I would like to see that before you leave." he said.

I looked over at Solomon. Was everyone here freaking pervs?

"Brother, Gabriel, how is father's health?" Solomon asked trying to change the subject.

"Not so well it seems like his time is coming. Of course there will be the time when he needs an heir to the throne I'm guessing this is why you're here. With your little friend?" he asked.

"Are you planning on taking the throne?" I asked.

He looked over at me and gave me a smile that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"Actually, I'm working on it as we speak." he said.

"How do you know, I'm a not going to take the throne I am the closest to father." Solomon said.

His brother gave him a hearty laugh and slapped his back.

"You are very funny, must be that human blood in you. You need to understand that some of us are born with the gift to rule while others aren't." he said.

The carriage stopped and I looked out of the side of the carriage and saw the massive castle. It made the Queen of England's castle look like a hobble compared to this one. The carriage door opened and I got out first looking at the castle with awe. Even though it did keep to the dark ages theme with dark cloudy skies and I believe it was drizzling.

"Come along. Keep up." Gabriel said walking ahead of us.

"How do you like him?" Solomon asked.

"He's great." I said saracastically.

"Try to keep your cool around him. Our people are able to sense Guardians and I'm not sure how well your cloak is." he said.

"Okay." I said to him.

We walked into the castle and of course the height of the insides was unexplainable. But it looked like Gabriel quickly went to work. Pictures of himself was hung all over the castle walls. Paintings that looked extremely old and valuable.

Gabriel turned around and we stood on top of a red and gold rug that should be hung in a museum instead of being stepped on.

"Brother, and guest, dinner will be made shortly please enjoy yourself with the luxeries of my castle." Gabriel said.

"You mean our castle?" Solomon asked.

Gabriel gave him a strained smile.

"Correct." he said and walked away to his quarters.

I turned to Solomon.

"Why would you leave this to live on earth?" I asked him.

"It's not important to me much anymore. Come I'll show you my room." he said and ran up the stairs. I followed him.

We walked down a dark hall way and then Solomon stopped in front of a door much larger than himself. He pushed it open and when I walked in. I swore. He looked at me smiling.

"Dude, you have like fourty different arcade systems." I said to him.

"Some of them don't even exist. I keep myself busy with them." he said.

I ran to his bed.

"It's massive, are you freaking kidding me why would you leave the bed?" I asked hopping onto it and lying on it and rubbing the silk. He closed his door back.

"Life here isn't all that great. It's like that old saying the grass is greener on the other side." he said. His voice echoed in his large room.

"It's like a football field in here. I bet you have a ton of friends." I said to him.

He hopped onto the bed next to me.

"Actually, it's just me, in this big room alone. That's why I came to earth not to be alone." he said.

I looked at him.

"Really?" I asked him.

"All the money in the universe can't bring happiness. That's why I don't want to live here, alone as heir to the throne." he said.

"You wouldn't be alone with your Guardian." I said and blushed.

He looked at me and turned red.

"So... you want to check out some of the games?" he asked me.

"Yeah, lets start with donkey kong!" I said hopping off his bed.

Solomon had told me some of the cheats to the game when I felt a loud rumble and a low menacing growl.

"What was that?" I asked looking at Solomon as he played Donkey Kong.

"That's just Spyke want to meet him?" he asked pausing his game.

"I don't know." I said.

"Come on." he said running down the hall way in his room. I sighed and followed behind him. I saw him run into a dark room.

I heard a loud roar that scared the hell out of me.

"Come on!" his voice echoed to me.

"No, what's down there?" he asked.

I saw a blaze of fire and smelt smoke. I ran down the stairs and saw him rubbing the head of a giant blue green scaly creature.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked.

Solomon turned around and the dragon looked at me and roared.

I shivered and nearly peed myself. Good thing I was wearing a skirt no one would know.

"He's friendly, come pet him." Solomon said.

"And lose a hand? I'll pass." I said.

"He's like a giant dog. Like Mixie." Solomon said hugging the nose of his pet dragon.

"Mixie can't blow fire or eat people as far as I know. "I said.

"Okay, just pet his nose. I promise you nothing will happen." he said.

"If I die it's your fault okay?" I asked him.

"You have my honor." he said.

I cautiously walked up to the dragon and held out my hand just on his nose. He sniffed my hand and then a long red forked tongue came out and licked me. I spat out dragon saliva. Solomon laughed.

"Sick gross." I said and shook off the slimy.

"He likes you." Solomon said.

"He likes my taste." I said petting it's nose.

He turned his head back to Solomon and breath a smoke donut around him and did a weird grunting thing.

"He did?" Solomon asked petting the dragon's nose.

"What are you doing?" I asked Solomon.

He hushed me. I crossed my arms and waited as he rubbed his dragon's nose.

"Thanks for keeping a look out." Solomon said and pet his nose and then walked over to me.

"Let me guess you can communicate with dragons." I said.

"All reptiles." he said.

"Odd, but what did he say?" I asked.

"Gabriel tried to kill my father, earlier today but failed when Spyke flew in to check on my dad." Solomon said.

"Wow that totally sucks." I said crossing my arms.

"It does." Solomon said looking down.

"So what are you going to do about it?" I asked him.

"I can't do anything. My half brother has an army behind him. I'm just one person." he said.

"With a pet dragon and a guardian." I said.

"You're a Guardian?" The dragon asked me.

I looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked it.

"I don't know can you understand me?" It asked and snorted.

"You can talk to reptiles too maybe I'm rubbing off on you?" Solomon asked and laughed.

"You shouldn't have brought a Guardian here." Spyke said to Solomon.

"She's cloaked." Solomon said to Spyke.

"How long will it last though?" the dragon asked.

Solomon looked at me and I shrugged.

"Hopefully, until I get home." I said.

Someone walked up behind us and I jumped and spun around and saw a translucent man in a butler's suit. His nose was high in the air and his chest was puffed up.

"Dinner is served." it said.

"Thank you Levvs." Solomon said.

"Whoa." I said as Levvs disappeared.