
Ch: 10

We were seated at a large square table. One side of the table sat Solomon, and on the other side sat his brother. I sat in the dead middle of the table. It was going to be difficult for me to whisper stuff to Solomon. Or ask him to pass the salt.

A plate of food was set before me something less exotic and more fast food enrich. Burgers and fries. My favorite. I picked up the burger and took a bite out of it.

"Is it good, I hope we recreated it the way it's made in the overland." Gabriel said to me smiling.

"Perfect." I said and looked at Solomon who didn't touch his food.

"Is father going to join us?" Solomon asked.

"Father is ill and bed ridden. I thought you knew that brother?" Gabriel asked.

"May I see him?" Solomon asked.

"I'm not all that sure that he wants to see you." Gabriel said.

"He's my father too!" Solomon hissed.

I never noticed he had a lisp until now.

"You don't seem to understand brother that our family branches out to that of the human realm and that of the demon realm. While you're busy in the overworld attending human schools and making friends with them. I'm here taking care of father." Gabriel said.

"More like taking care of yourself. I have the right to see my father." Solomon said.

"Please don't do this in front of guests you know how you get when you're angry." Gabriel said and smirk. He reached over for his gold cup and sipped his drink and placed it back down.

"I'm not like that anymore." Solomon said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"The family trait.The phoenix trait." Gabriel said.

"What trait?" I asked Solomon.

"Don't listen to a word he says." Solomon said.

"Our family are descendents of dragons." Gabriel said.

"Not the birds with wings?" I asked.

"We use the term phoenix to describe our powers to that of the humans a common misconception though." Gabriel said.

"So you can turn into a dragon?" I asked Solomon.

"No." Solomon said.

"He hasn't met his full potential like I have." Gabriel said smirking.

"I'm not going to live my days as a reptile." Solomon hissed.

Gabriel chuckled.

"Look at you, you can't even talk a sentence without hissing!" his brother said and laughed.

Solomon got up his body flaming up with fire. I saw that he lit up the room pretty nicely. He took a seat back down.

"It's not worth it." Solomon said and the fire died down.

"Look at you, can't even hold a flame let alone a spark. Running around on the earth destroying my creatures with a hammer. Disgraceful on the family name." Gabriel said.

"You're the one that sends the creatures?" I asked.

He looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"You know, I've noticed that you're able to see and do a lot of things that isn't very human like. For instance you came here with out running into any trouble. That's very odd. Are you sure you're one hundred percent human?" Gabriel asked.

"Of course she is!" Solomon said and looked at me.

I hope I didn't just blow my cover.

"Are you truly human?" Gabriel asked me.

"Well, yeah, of course I am. I have a dog, a family, I suck at math." I said trying to think of things humans do.

"She's human." Solomon said to Gabriel.

"Fine. Gabriel clapped for a servant. A ghost popped out.

"Please get dessert for our guets." he said to it.

"Yes master." it said and disappeared. I gave Solomon an uneasy glance and he was putting on a poker face that made him look like he had a royal flush when he probably had a random hand.

A bowl of chocolate ice cream showed up in front of me and the ghost disappeared. Gabriel picked up a spoon and I saw him dig into his ice cream.

"I love the frozen snacks of the overworld it's absolutely delicious." he said glancing at me.

"I'm not really a fan of ice cream because of brain freeze." I said looking at it.

Solomon looked at me and I looked at him wondering if I should eat it. He picked up his spoon and dug into it. I did the same. Nothing was weird about it nothing smelt funny or look funny. I popped some of it into my mouth. Tasted like ice cream, creamy probably home made.

"Good right?" Gabriel asked.

"Very." I said.

I finished my ice cream before everyone else.

"Good isn't it?" Gabriel asked.

"Very." I said and looked over at Solomon who just finished his.

Then I looked back at Gabriel and soon he started to look a little funny. I blinked and rubbed my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel asked me smiling putting another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"Yeah, probably just brain freeze." I said and held my head.

I looked over at Solomon who stood up but seemed to wobble.

"You put something in the ice cream." Solomon said as his eyes crossed.

"I did nothing of the sort." his half brother said.

I looked over at Solomon as his fangs disappeared and his all leather out fit became his jeans and tee shirt. He fell to his knees. and fell to his side.

"Solomon, what did you put in this ice cream?" I asked him.

"Just cream, and ice, and a little thing to reveal the true identy of the ones who are in my pressence." he said. I looked at my hands as my gloves disappeared and then my skirt became a pair of jeans and my mid drift top a tee shirt. I fell to my knees feeling my body grow cold and Gabriel stood up gasping.

"It can't be." he said.

"W-what?" I said my teeth chattering.

"You're the Guardian." he said.

"Crap." I said and fell flat on my face my body frozen in place.