
The Story of the Guardian

At the beginning of time. After the Devil became who he was. There was a group of humans who gained special powers to fight the evil he released onto the earth. Causing the earth to be divded up into three sections. Hell, Earth, and Heaven. The Guardians that fought the Devil were not Angels. The angels at the time left the dirty work so to speak to the humans on the earth.

Once in a while an evil creature would escape hell or either be sent to Earth to cause trouble. It's up to the Guardians trained to kill. To protect the humans from the Evils that can't be seen. The only way an evil can be seen is if the humans pay attention to what's going on.

A select few of humans become Guardians after the old ones pass away or retire. The power of Guardians did belong to men in the beginning but was later handed to the women. Who were concidered better equiped for battle.

As time pass the Evil changes. Old tatics are used but new creatures are created in order to fit with the times. Of course an old enemy of the Guardians are the Phoenixes. A group of humans that live on level eight of hell that are able to turn into dragons at will.

The king of the Pheonixes had two sons. One bore by a demon. The other bore by a human. The demon bore child was much stronger than his half brother the human bore child. The death of their father marked the battle for the throne. Which brought me a Guardian into the picture.

My job is to protect the earth from creatures under it. Not to have the child of a creature a phoenix. If I were a normal human the child would be like the human bore phoenix weak and practically powerless. However being a Guardian good and the father future ruler of the eight level of hell means utter destruction for the earth and the levels of hell. The child that I was bearing would later become the child that start the apocolypse, but there was no way in hell I would let that happen.