
Ch: 1

A normal day for most people would've been waking up, taking a shower, enjoying breakfast with their parents, and waiting at their stop for the bus. That would've been a normal day for them. For me it was much more complicated. Not only did I miss my bus, but the reason was because I was busy fighting off a three headed dog from hell. Did I mention it could breath fire.

"Okay now be a good dog and go back to where you came from." I said pointing to the giant crack in the middle of the road.

The dogs were at least as big as a house and compared to me I stood no chance. They growled at me and one of the dogs snapped at me. I leaped away from it falling onto the ground.

"I'm getting nowhere, and I'll be late for school." I said.

I jumped up and pulled out my cell phone. I pointed it at the demon dogs and tossed it into the hair. In a blaze of light it turned into a sword and the hilt fell into my hand. Thank goodness for modern technology. I held the sword's point at the first dog's head.

"Come and get me pooches!" I said and smiled.

The dogs came after barking and leaped for me. I rolled under all three of them and held up my sword cutting them straight down the middle. They fell to the ground whimpering. I turned around blood stained my body and my sword.

"Gross dog guts." I said and watched as the dogs nibbed at the wounds which was healing and then at each other.

I ran towards the crevice in the ground and whistled to them.

"Hey puppies come here!" I yelled.

The looked back at me and growled.

"Come to mommy." I said in a degrading voice.

One of the dog heads barked and fire flew out. I covered my face as fire flew over my body and disappeared.

I looked up and saw them charge for me. Then they leaped again. I dodged them just as the first dog nipped at my shirt and then all three heads on one body fell into the ground. The ground closed up and I heard the whines as the hole completely disappeared.

I sighed and threw my sword into the air it flipped and turned back into a cell phone. It started to vibrate when I caught it.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hi Sammy did you take care of the dogs?" my mom asked.

I grabbed my backpack.

"Yeah, ruined my shirt though." I said walking down the road.

"Do you need a ride to school?" she asked me.

"Nah, I'll just take the long way." I said.

"I'm sorry." she said.

"It's okay mom, I'm used to it I'll see you at home." I said.

"Okay, love you." she said.

"Love you too mom bye." I said and hung up.

I put my phone back into my pocket and looked around. Then using my super speed. I ran and leaped on top of one roof top and then the other until I got a block away from my high school.

I slipped into class after getting a change of clothes out of my locker. I heard kids sniffling and gagging as I walked past them. Sadly I didn't have time to wash the dog breath off me.

I took a seat at the desk of my best friend. She covered her nose and gagged.

"Dude, have you ever heard of showering?" Sonny asked.

"I took a shower this morning." I said.

"Then why do you smell like dog dude?" she asked me.

"Do you have any perfume or something?" I asked her.

"Jasmine and Daisies which one?" she asked.

"Anyone." I said to her just as my teacher walked in the door.

She handed me the daisies bottle of perfume. I sprayed myself and handed it back to her she hid it in her backpack. Now instead of smelling like dog I also smelled like daisies.

After class Sonny and I walked down the hall as more students moved out of my way because of my horrible scent.

"Why weren't you on the bus I was like looking for you at the stop." she said.

"I'm sorry, you know just over slept." I said.

"But you were talking to me on the phone just this morning." she said.

"Uh... right did I say over slept, I over ate, yeah had breakfast couldn't move." I told her.

"Sure, so anyway, you like my new shirt?" she asked me and showed it to me. It was a giant peace sign in a rainbow tie dye.

"Very funky isn't it a little too old for the eighties?" I asked her.

"Seventies, this is the seventies. Hello flower power, peace, love, unity?" she asked.

"Drugs, hippies, fight the man." I said and made a fist.

She giggled. "It's not my fault my parents were hippies before I was born." she said.

"Yeah so anyway isn't there suppose to be a new kid starting school here?" I asked her.

"Yeah, he's a total dweeb from out of town." she said.

"How do you know he's a dweeb?" I asked her.

"There he is." she said pointing to him.

I turned and saw him glasses, ill fitting jeans, shirt tucked into pants, and hair that looked like he just rolled out of bed.

"He doesn't look like a dweeb." I said to her not believing the words that came out of my mouth.

"Sure dude, why don't you introduce yourself he is new." she said.

"No way I'm not going to..." As if by fate I bumped into that dweeb.

Accidentally dropping his text book out of his hands.

"Sorry dude." I said as he knelt to pick it up.

"It's okay it's just..." he started and looked at me weirdly.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm Solomon." he said.

"Hey Solomon I'm Sonny this is my friend Samantha but you can call her Sam. She doesn't like Sammy." Sonny said.

"Yeah sorry about your text book." I said.

"It's okay." he said fixing his glasses.

"So you're new here?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I've only been in town for almost thirty-six hours." he said and smiled.

"Oh, well I hope you have a great time here see you later." Sonny said pulling at me.

"Thanks." he said.

"Later." I said.

Just then I heard laughing.

"Hey look a new kid!" one guy yelled. I knew that voice from anywhere. The number one school bully.

"I'm Solomon." he said.

"I'm Richard you can call me Rich you're standing by my wall." he said.

"I don't see your name on it." Solomon said.

Rich's best friend Manuel stood next to Solomon.

"He doesn't have to have his name on it he owns everything!" Manuel said.

"Yeah... everything!" Rich's other best friend Skylar.

I stopped and looked back.

"Come on Sam." Sonny said to me.

"You go ahead I think I forgot something." I said and saw as Rich ruffled Solomon's hair.

"You sure?" she asked me.

"Yeah I'll see you at class." I said.

"Okay." she said and walked down the halls.

"Hey you need this book?" Manuel asked holding Solomon's book over his head.

"Yes I very much need the book." Solomon said reaching for it.

"Hey give him his book." I said.

They looked at me and Skyler took a step forward and pushed me into a locker.

"Hey you stay out of this, be a good girl and go to class." Skylar said to me.

I tapped on my cell phone in my pocket and remembered he was mortal.

"Hey let's stuff Solo Man in a locker!" Manuel yelled.

"Yeah!" Rich yelled and they grabbed Solomon.

"Hey leave him alone..." I said but was cut off when Skyler slammed me into the locker again.

I had to help Solomon.

"Move." I told Skyler.

"Or what?" he asked.

I pushed Skyler and he flew into the wall and I ran to help Solomon just as they slammed him into the locker.

"You guys are creeps!" I yelled as they ran away laughing.

Skyler got up and ran away as well.

"Solomon I'll get you out." I said and touched the lock. I pulled away it was hot burning my hand.

Then I saw smoke and then fire coming from the locker. I moved away from it and saw as the locker door flew across the hall dented and melted. I turned and looked back at Solomon. His eyes a blaze with fire his hands smoking. He looked at me.

"Thanks but I got it." he said.

My mouth dropped and then I found my voice to speak.

"You're not human are you?" I asked.

He smiled. "What was your first guest?" he asked.