
Ch: 3

My mom became cornered by two dragons on either side of her. Both of them opened their mouths and fire flew out. She leaped into the air and landed on the stair railings and they hit each other. Both dragons flying into a different direction. She landed on the ground and finished the job sliting the throat of the first dragon and the throat of the next.

She lowered her sword and panted with the door portals under locked down for my safety she would have to take the long way home.

Solomon opened his eyes. First I thought it was Mixie who groaned but it was Solomon.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Swore, everywhere." he groaned.

I held him losely.

"How fast can you heal?" Sonny asked.

"Not fast I'm part human. Give me an hour or two tops." Solomon said.

"We don't have an hour or two." I said to him.

"I need to get warmed up." he said.

"Sonny see if you can fine some blankets." I said.

"No, I mean I need to be set on fire." he said.

"What." I said in disbelief.

"It'll speed up healing." he said.

"How do you know?" Sonny asked.

"... my dad told me." he said and drifted back to sleep.

I looked at Sonny, we got to start a fire or he'll burn out." I said to her.

"Lets do it then." she said.

We searched my kitchen drawers and found matches and gas lighters. Then we went outside and using sticks as tinders we set a small fire. I blew on it to keep oxygen flowing. Sonny surrounded sticks on it a few minutes later we were adding logs in a bed like form then. We did the freakiest and maybe most inhumane but life saving thing for Solomon was to set him on the fire.

Getting him on the bed was hard. We should've done it before. I hope he was right I would hate to set him on fire on accident. We got him on the bed of flames. It was a dark eerie night the pressure of the dragons beated on me and the fact that my back was killing me wasn't helping.

"Well he's not burning that's a good thing." she said.

I saw Solomon open his eyes and he blinked in the fire. He looked at his hands. I didn't hear any painful cries or wails. It was sort of peaceful for him. My dad pulled up to the house and then ran to the back yard.

"Sammy what the hell is going on?" he asked.

The fire grew bigger and bigger and then disappeared. Solomon sat up his were red with flames and he stood up and looked at his hands.

We stood up in front of him.

"Are you okay now?" I asked him.

"I feel much better now. Thank you both." he said and hugged me.

I felt so good until things got worst. Pain ran down my back and I cried out in pain. My hug with Solomon became a painful tug down to the earth. Lightening struck and wind howled.

"What's going on?" Sonny asked.

I pulled away from Solomon.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"It's coming." I said and closed my eyes in pain.