
Ch: 5

"Breath, Breath, Breath." the nurse said to me.

"What is the name of her doctor?" the nurse asked my dad at the receptionist.

"She doesn't have a doctor." my dad said.

"Okay how many months is she?" the nurse asked.

"She got pregnant overnight." my dad said.

"Sir, we can't help you if you can't help us. Now we're going to give your daughter some medicine to help in the pain we need to know this stuff so that we don't harm her okay?" the nurse said.

"That's it, twenty-four hours ago my daughter went to hell and came back pregnant that's all I know." my dad said.

"Listen sir, I don't know if you're on drugs or..." the nurse started.

"Drugs, give me drugs now!" I cried.

"I'm sorry you can't get any until you're fully dialated.

"No, you don't understand all hell will break loose if I have this kid. Give me drugs to kill it!" I yelled.

"Sometimes first time mom's usually young ones may find giving birth hard." she said to me.

"You see the weather out there. That's all me, that's the demon in me. Kill it, or kill me!" I yelled.

The nurse looked at Sonny.

"Ma'am. She's not freaking out because of the contractions. She's someone who battles evil creatures for a living and that thing inside her is a demonic dragon from hell. All I want you to do is keep it in her long enough so that my wife and her little dragon friend can deal with this." my dad said to the nurse.

"Sir, you're beginning to sound like an unfit father. You haven't been drinking on your way here have you?" the nurse asked.

My mom ran into the hospital sword in hand.

The nurse screamed.

"Sorry, where is she?" my mom asked turing her sword back into a cell phone.

I screamed so loud my parents could here it.

"She's in the maternity ward." my dad said wincing.

"Ma'am did you give my daughter any drugs. She'll need it if you haven't noticed the weather." my mom said.

"How many months is she?" the nurse asked.

"She got pregnant overnight." my mom said looking at my dad.

He nodded at the nurse.

Solomon pulled out his spiked hammer.

"You must die now." he said.

"Not without a fight!" Gabriel roared.

He swooped down by Solomon and blew fire towards Solomon. He dodged it rolled on the ground and swung his hammer at Gabriel he missed him and slammed a giant hole into the wall of the hospital. Solomon tried to pull the hammer out.

"Why won't you fight me dragon to dragon?" Gabriel asked.

"I know I can kill you being myself." Solomon said.

Gabriel wiped Solomon with his tail and he flew onto the ground. Solomon pulled himself back up but he was grabbed by the collar of his neck by a pair of human hands.

"You sure you can take me as a humans?" Gabriel asked.

"I know I can." Solomon said.

Gabriel punched Solomon in the face and he flew through the hospital doors shattering the glass around him.

Guards ran out with their guns held up at Gabriel.

"Throw your guns on the ground!" Gabriel ordered.

They listened and looked at each other oddly. Solomon got up and fixed his jaw.

"That's all you got?" he asked.

"No, I'm just getting started." Gabriel said.