
Ch: 2

I watched as Solomon tucked his pants back in and fix his hair back to something similar to bed head once again.

"Are you a demon?" I asked him.

"As in the spawn of the devil no, of course not." he said.

I pinched my chin and held my elbow with my other hand. Then I snapped my finger.

"You're a dragon." I said to him.

He smiled and sighed.

"Not even close. I'm a Phoenix." he said.

"Like the bird?" I asked him.

"Not like the bird, we call ourselves Phoenixes we can't fly, we don't have wings or anything but we do live in the underworld." he said.

"So what are you doing above the world?" I asked him.

"I'm staying with my mom to live the life of a human. How do you think I'm doing so far?" he asked me.

"Okay I guess." I said.

He sighed.

"Thanks for trying to help." he said to me.

"So is your mom human?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but my dad and her don't really get along. So that's why he lives under the world and she's up here. I can visit him during the summer." Solomon said.

I grabbed his textbook and handed it to him.

"Oh." I said.

"So you're a guardian?" he asked me.

"What gave it away?" I asked him.

"I can sense it. I've never met an actual guardian. I always thought they were invisible." he said.

"You're talking about the angels, no I'm the one who does the dirty work while they drink milk and honey." I said.

"Cool, that explains why you smell like a demon dog from hell." he said.

"Damn it you too." I said.

He laughed.

"I got to get to class, you'll probably get in trouble." he said.

"Yeah, I'm used to it see you around." I said.

"Lunch maybe?" he asked.

"Sure." he said.

After attending my last three classes. I sat at the table with Sonny.

"I can't believe I got detention." I said to her.

"Why, you were tardy." she said.

"Like once, anyway I'm always early to math." I said.

"No you mean gym." she said.

"Right, crap, my parents are going to be pissed." I said.

"What took you so long anyway?" she asked me.

As if my answer was right in front of me which it was.

"I stopped the bullies from messing with Solomon." I said.

"Where is he anyway?" she asked.

"Behind you." I said to her.

She turned around. Solomon was walking towards our table.

"Please don't tell me he's sitting with us." she whispered.

"Hi guys." he said and sat down and fixed his glasses and sat down next to Sonny.

"Oh... hi Solomon what's up?" she asked him glaring at me.

"Nothing much." he said smiling.

"How are you enjoying school?" I asked him.

"Everyone's nice." he said and hiding a smirk.

"Great." Sonny said turning away.

Just then, I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out and looked at it. I flipped it open. There was danger just outside of the school. As if on cue. The cafeteria and the rest of the school started to shake. I stood up trembling.

"Earthquake!" a student cried.

Solomon looked at me.

Everyone panicked and fell to the ground. The tremors stopped. I knew it was time to go, but how would I get out?

"Everyone out of the cafeteria!" a teacher yelled.

"That works." I said and got out.

The tremors came back as I ran out of the cafeteria followed by students that were pushing and screaming. I ran out of the courtyard and I could see that the tremors got stronger as I ran.

I sensed someone was behind me and turned around.

"Need some help?" Solomon asked behind me.

"I can handle it." I said to him.

"I insist." he said.

"Okay if you can keep up." I said to him.

"Cool." he said.

I ran faster and he did keep up he was right on my heel. I skid to a stop when I hit the residential area. Solomon nearly bumped into me. I stepped out of the way and he tripped and fell. He jumped up.

I held out my phone to find where the activity was coming from. I heard a loud screech. I covered my ears and fell to my knees. Solomon did the same. The ground trembled. I pulled my hand from my ears.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"Screech of a gryphon." Solomon said standing back up.

"Why is it crying? And what the hell is a gryphon?" I asked.

"Giant bird well lion well you'll see when we get there." he said.

I flipped my phone into the air it turned into a sword.

"You stay here." I said to him.

"Uh I'm not." he said.

"It could be dangerous." I said looking at his tucked in pants and his glasses.

He pulled off his glasses and put it in his pocket then he was engulfed in flames and I had to shield my eyes it was so bright. When it was over there was the smell of smoke on the ground and Solomon was wearing all black. A black pair of jeans, a black shirt and a black trench coat. He slipped on a pair of black shades and smiled. His hair believe it or not looked like black flames.

"You sure you don't work for the devil?" I asked him.

He smiled showing a row of short fangs.

"I didn't say I didn't work for him." he said.

"Well, do you have a weapon besides fire?" I asked him.

He pulled a silver chain from off his neck that was in the shape of a hammer. I was wondering why but when he threw it into the air. It flamed up and it turned into a giant mallet with spikes.

"Cool." I said as he placed it on his shoulder.

There was another screech and I turned and saw the culprit. A large bird like animal but with the body of a lion, and the head, talons, and wings of an eagle.

"I think I understand what a gryphon is now." I said and then ran up to it.

"Wait!" he yelled.

I didn't listen. I leaped into the air this gryphon was going down. I held my sword back and was about to bring it down. When the gryphon turned and screeched at me. My body went weak and I fell to the ground. Solomon leap for me and caught me. He placed me on the ground.

"If you would listen to me you would know that gryphon's don't like to be sneaked up on." he said through gritted fangs.

"Now you tell me." I said cleaning out my ears and picking up my sword.

"You've got to reason with them." he said.

"Reason with a bird, cat thingy?" I asked.

He stepped forward lowering his mallet. The gryphon flew in front of him and opened it's beak for another screech.

"Oh great gryphon what is your problem?" he asked.

The gryphon closed it's beak and glared at me.

"That Guardian and others." the gryphon said in a deep throaty voice.

"It can talk?" I asked.

"Forgive her, she's still in training what is your other problem?" Solomon asked.

"I can not find my hatch-ling." the gryphon said.

"Wait you're looking for your baby is that's what the screeching is about?" I asked.

"It's a call to find it." Solomon said to me.

"She's gone missing." the gryphon said.

"Do you know who took your... hatch-ling?" I asked lowering my sword beside me.

"I do not I searched the whole underworld and someone said that a human brought her here." the gryphon said.

"A human, how did a human get access to the underworld?" I asked.

"We'll bring her back as soon as we find her, but I must beg you to leave." Solomon said.

"I will give you time and I will be back." the gryphon said.

I was pretty sure that when it comes back all hell would break loose. I looked as it flew back into the ground and it closed up and then I turned back to Solomon.

"So, you speak gryphon?" I asked him.

"My father told me about some of the different creatures." he said turning around to go back to school.

"So who exactly is your father?" I asked him.

"My father is king of the phoenixes." Solomon said in a dry voice.

"That's cool so does that make you..." I started.

"Please don't say it." he said.

"What prince?" I asked.

"I hate being called a prince." he grumbled.

"Why, that's like a big thing right?" I asked him.

He walked behind a tree and there was a flame and when he came out he fixed his hair and glasses and tucked his shirt in.

"It's a big thing but I really don't like the whole prince idea. I mean, the whole reason why I left the underworld is to hang out with other humans and see what it's like to be one. I can't even walk without having someone throw black rose petals on the ground for me to step on." he said.

"Do you have evil tendencies?" I asked him.

"For the last time I don't belong to the devil." he said.

"You said something about you didn't work with him." I said.

Solomon sighed.

"Sometimes my dad makes deals that I don't have any control over." he said.

"So your dad and the devil are pretty tight?" I asked.

"They're cousins." he muttered.

"So the devil is like your grand cousin or something?" I asked.

"Could we not talk about it right now?" he asked me.

"I got to know this stuff. It's my job." I said throwing my sword into the air and catching it as a cell phone.

"I don't have evil tendencies all the time. I'm pretty much human just with a double personality." he said.

"Oh so you're bipolar." I said.

He glared at me.

"Just kidding. So uptight." I said.

"I try not to be. I really do, but you never know when stuff happens right?" he asked me.

"Right." I said to him.

"The earthquake shock probably wore off we should get back to school." he said.

"Yeah." I said to him.