Go Hug Your Sweater

Chapter 1

The foster home worker came that day. Ally was being sent to a whole different state she knew no one and no one knew her, That may have its advantages like no one knew what happened to her parents no one knew she had no friends and no one knew that she was alone. Upon arriving at the “Care House” Ally was greeted by many teens roaming the streets they all looked up at the new girl “Fresh Meat”, One of the thug looking boys yelled. Ally did not look back she knew that they were trying to get to her she would walk with her head held high. It wasn’t that she thought she was better then them it was that they were better then her sure their skin wasn’t as clean as hers or clothes not as new looking but they were out having fun while she was moping around with her nose stuck to the sky. Allyson followed the worker out of the car slowly letting her surroundings sink in. It was a small old ware house looking place with cracked glass windows and steel doors. ”hell”, was the first word that came into Ally’s mind.

Soon after arriving she was sent off into a small room with two beds one side decorated with posters and old magazine pictures. Ally wondered when she would meet her new room mate. As the thought came to her head a petite blond bounced into the room. “I’m Abby you must be Ally!”, The blond introduced. Ally only nodded unsure of what the girl wanted to hear. “Well welcome to Pine Drive Acres, most of us call it PDA though”, Abby laughed. Ally whispered a thanks, and put down her one suitcase on the bed opposite to Abby’s and sat near the edge looking down at her dirty fingernail wondering if there was a specific time period for bathing, Almost as if Abby had read her mind she stood up grabbing Ally’s hand and lead her to the small bathroom adjoining the small room.” Go ahead and take a shower dinner isn’t for another hour”, Abby suggested Ally murmured a “thanks” and took off into the shower.
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Okay I know its short but...It came to me in a dream Please give me some feedback I'm so nervous of what people will think.....AH