Go Hug Your Sweater

Chapter 2,

After a long soothing shower Abby slowly walked towards the dinning hall were she would meet the rest of the children at PDA on her way down the stairs a boy about her age maybe a year or two older with cute hair and perfectly white skin walked along the other side of the stairs stopped and stared with piercing blues and mumbled a choice word “Loner”

Once the freely falling tears stopped falling down Ally’s face she continued to walk down that hallway, “He’s just a boy…a cute boy” , Ally told herself. As she walked into the dinning hall all eyes darted towards her, except for the “loner” boy. The staring continued for the entire meal. Abby didn’t know how much more she could take it was eating her up.
As soon as her food was gone she excused her self to the bathroom sat on the edge of the tub and slowly let release upon her as the thick scarlet line bubbled to the top as it has many times before Ally sighed content on staying in that bathroom for the rest of eternity. Her lids slowly drifted. A loud knock sounded at the door disturbing Ally’s peace. She quickly cleaned the cut found a bandage wrapped it pulled the shirt down and opened the door. It was the boy. “I know what you did” Were the only words he said to Ally before pushing her out of the bathroom and shutting it behind him.
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This chapter is dedicated to my Mibba best friend Natalie7 READ HER STORY!!!! SHES AWESOME! Luff ya!
