Just Some Stupid Wish

Part 1

I pulled and yanked open my eyes; it was just a fucking wish bone. It's not like I really believed them, but I always liked to try.

I had won, well sort of; I had the whole wishbone in my hands, but there was a tiny crack running down the middle. We pulled again until the tiny crack grew bigger and broke in two. I held the bigger piece.

I had a wish that would never come true. I could dream all I wanted about this wish but I knew it would never happen. My wish was that Green Day would come to my house. So it's lame. I don't care it was what I really wanted.

I wake up, my alarm clock blasting in my ear. Whose fucking idea was it to have alarm clock radios? I peek over at the time not wanting to get up. It was 7:26 just my luck my bus left a minute ago. I hop over to my mom's bed, she wasn't there. She must have left for work early leaving me with no ride and stuck with my uncle and my sister. I got dressed and picked up the phone to call my mom but then I think about how much trouble I would get into. So I stayed in my room until Morgan, my sister left. I walked down stairs to the basement where my uncle slept and woke him up.

"What are you still doing here?" he asked

"I woke up really late and mom left early for work, but please don't tell my parents." I pleaded.

"I won't do you think I would?" He replied he was a cool uncle so I knew he would be okay with not telling my parents.

"No." I said

We sat around and watched some TV. My uncle had called in sick for me. We were sitting around when the door bell rang I could here bitching from outside

"She's not going to be here she's going to be at school and if she skipped why would she be at hom-" came a voice from behind the door.

"Hi", I said as I opened the door. My eyes grew wide and I felt I was dreaming.

"Hi umm are you okay?" It was Billie Joe

"Umm yeah just fine so you are the postman? Sorry it almost looks like you're Billie Joe but that's not possible because Green Day is-" I started

"Right here," Mike finished

I began "No you see that can't be because umm Green Day is umm in California."

"No, you don't get it do you?" Tre said his voice was different then I imagined, "You are such a fucking bich! I told you we shouldn't have come!" Tre went on. His word were harsh but I didn't notice because I still couldn't believe it was really Green Day right in front of me outside of my house!
"Tre, stop you're making the girl cry!" Mike said I was crying but I don't think it was because of what Tre said it was because I was so happy.

"You guys want to come in?" I asked still holding the door open

"Sure" they said as they walked in one by one. We walked up to my room and they looked at all the pictures/posters of themselves but Tre was busy somewhere else. He had been looking through my dresser until he found my underwear. I took the underwear from his hand.
"You're gross!" I said
Billie picked up my guitar and asked "Do you play?"
"No, but I really want to learn" I said I had no idea where this was going.
"Do you have a person to teach you?" he asked.
"No why?" I asked.
"I was thinking I could give you privet guitar lessons" He said.

Did Billie just offer to teach me how to play guitar? I must have fainted because I woke up to Mike splashing cold water on my face.

"Whoa!" I said because I had thought it was all a dream.

"First we have to go to our place we rented a hotel not too far from here." Mike said helping me up.


Billie looked around and then picked up the phone, I found it so cute how he paced when he talked. Finally, he finished we loaded onto there car and drove off to some hotel.

We ran up the stairs scream like a bunch of five year old kids we banged on people's doors and they got pretty mad, but before I was able to go to the room someone grabbed me from behind and took my to their car. They threw me in a van and started driving off I tried to scream but it was no use. The car stopped I heard the door open and someone picked me up I closed me eyes they carried me into a dark room and told me to open my eyes there I stood look at the three members of Green Day.
"Ha ha very funny guys!" I said around me were ribbons and a huge banner that said Happy 13th Birthday Kelsey! I walked around Billie Joe handed me an envelope I tore it open and there was a season pass to see all Green Day concerts in the U. S and 3 round trip tickets to visit California.

"Oh thank you!" I said and gave each one a hug but then

Billie said "We have one more surprise for you"