Just Some Stupid Wish

Part 2

"You get to invite one person to go touring with us." Billie said "and yourself of course
"Oh my gosh" I said I knew who just to bring but this was so cool, I get 24/7 of Green Day! I hugged Billie and ran to the phone. I punched in the number to my best friend, Jillian Shiner. (I call her Jill)
"Yes may I speak to Jill?" I said
"Ok guess what Green Day is at my house, I know, I know oh and guess what else Billie gave me two season pass tickets with backstage passes and three round-trips to CA! Oh and you haven't even heard the best part! We get to go with Green Day to their next tour, Ow! You're hurting my ear! Come on over and quick!" She was so excited she was the one who got me hooked on Green Day and now look what I did! I felt so happy I still felt like this was a dream but it wasn't I really met Green Day and oh my gosh! I can't believe it! I talked to Billie and Mike while I waited for Jill. About 15 minutes later she was here with her Green Day shirt and a camera. She was jumping up and down and ran over to talk to Green Day.
"Hi!" she said she sounded weird like she was sick or something I hoped that's not what I sounded like.
"Hi" Billie said back
"Oh my gosh it's true your eyes are the hottest eyes in the world!" said Jill
"So Jill isn't this cool!" I said not really sure what to say
"Oh my gosh this isn't cool this is awesome and oh my gosh I just can't believe that Green Day is right here in front of me, at your house!" said Jill "So where do you guys sleep, oh are you really a vegetarian? Do you have any pets? Can you dump AD?" Jill said
"Whoa hold your horses I am never dumping AD because I don't want to have any trouble for our kids going through a rough life with divorce and all, and no I'm not a..." my sister had came into the room and started screaming. She ran to go see Billie but then I shouted "NO!" then a strong body guard held her back she was trying as hard as she could to escape but it was no use. Then he took her to her room and kept her in there. While we were down stairs talking Jill wasn't so freaky and soon Green Day had to go. I was sad but I know I would see them soon but then something came flying in the room from the window. Jill and I screamed we went over to see what it was and then the strangest thing happened it was an envelope and it said Billie on it in all capital letters. Billie picked it up mumbling
"What the fuck?" as he tore open the envelope and then he read out loud it was from AD

Billie Joe Armstrong,

First pay for the damn window and then get your ass home. The fuckin kids are driving me nuts.
From the love of your fuckin life,

P. S tell Kelsey and her little friend I said hi

I said Hi as Billie read the last part. Jill mumbles "LITTLE! Ha, I'm taller then Billie!" after Billie finished reading the paper. Then he turns the letter around and-TO BE COUNTIUED