Status: Ideas brewing

Pleasure Saporta

Im a n-n-nervous wreck

About twenty or so other girls and myself were outside a Cobra Starship, waiting for Gabe to come outside and sign autographs. I looked around at all of the girls and noticed that everyone was dressed in sparkly shirts, neon jeans, or had colours in their hair. I was wearing orange skinny jeans with blue sneaker vans and I had a lime green, hang off the shoulders, shirt on.

A few girls actually screamed when Gabe walked out of the building with a huge grin on his face.

"Pues bien así, mira a todos los de la bella señora que tenemos hoy en día"He spoke in spanish. A few girls just giggled or blushed at the comment, knowing what it meant. I knew enough spanish to pick up "today" and "beautiful ladies".

I waited for about ten minutes while all the younger kids, twelve or thirteen, talked to Gabe first then left with their ride. I was almost seventeen so I could legally drive anywhere before ten o clock.

I laughed in my head at some of the freak questions these girls asked him. And then how cool he was about answering them.

So finally, only four girls were left. Myself, two chubby girls in matching "Kiss my Sass" shirts and a blonde girl with a less amount of clothes on.

"Alright ladies, seeing as only a few of you remain, let's hear what your names are."He questioned smoothly.

The blonde girl fluttered her eyelashes.

"I'm Anya."She told him in a sultry voice.

"I'm Kasey."

"And I'm Rachel."The two other girls answered giggling profusely. Gabe nodded towards me smiling.

I grinned extending my hand. "Mallibu."He laughed and shook my hand.

"I didn't know anyone still shook hands, or named themselves after cities?"He asked still chuckling.

"It's what my friends call me, my real name's Mallory."I admitted, shrugging my shoulders.

"Alright, I'll keep that one in mind."He said before he took a picture with Kasey and Rachel.

"So Miss Mallibu, can I have the honor of taking a picture with you?"He asked in a mock polite voice after taking pictures with Anya too, who had kissed him on the cheek as the camera snapped the picture.

I nodded, retrieving my camera from my purse. I tossed the camera to Anya. "Here sweetie can you take the picture?"I asked her, probably ruder then i should have but I didnt have nice things to say about slutty girls. She flipped her hair in an angry fashion but agreed.

The first taken was blurry and you couldnt see anything.

"Hang on, take another will you?"Gabe asked with his arm still around my waist. She huffed and started to set up for another picture.

"3."Gabe grinned mischeviously.

"2."He put his hand on my face and turned me so i was facing him. "Play along."He winked.

"3."And right as the camera snapped he kissed me right on the mouth. Kasey and Rachel gasped.

It only lasted about two and half seconds but it was still kick-ass.

The only thought I had going through my head was, i am sooo defaulting that on Myspace.

A small ring went off and Gabe pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, checking it quickly before sliding it back in.

"Okay ladies, I have to run, but I will admit it was awesome meeting you all."He said grinning and tipping his hat a little. Kasey and Rachel waved and then ran off into the parking lot.

I was pulling out of keys and getting ready to walk out to the parking lot when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Gabe.

"Espera un segundo querido."I got most of it and I nodded.

"You're twenty, twenty one right?"He asked putting a little slip of paper into my hand.

"Act-"I started.

"Call me sometime?"

"W-wait, Gabe."I said, gripping onto to the sheet of paper. He smiled and turned around.

"Im, seventeen." His smile fell and he looked horror stricken.

"Shit, seriously?"I nodded. He regained his composture and nodded.

"Alright, then uh-" He looked back for a minute.

"Call me when your eighteen bebé."He grinned and kissed my cheek before jogging back to the building.

The funny thing was, I couldnt tell if he was joking or not.
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Heres what i kinda wanted her hair to look like.... Image thats how its supposed to be styled <3
And sorry for making Gabe so werid. XD