Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

I'm Dreaming About Tomorrow


“Oh Ronnie!” I heard Veronica say from the living room, “You lover man’s on TV with his band.”

I rolled my eyes. “He is not my lover man,” I said as I walked into the living room and saw my band’s drummer/my best friend sitting on the couch. Tokio Hotel was on MTV and were talking with Damian, the VJ.

“But you lurv him, Ronnie. Don’t deny it,” Veronica said as I sat down by her.

“I don’t lurv him, okay Vee?”

“Right. Ronnie Reynolds doesn’t believe in love,” Veronica said as Jaydon and Carter walked in.

“Hey girls,” Carter, our band’s bassist, said, “Watching Ronnie’s lover man?”

“He’s not my lover man! He doesn’t even know I exist,” I said.

“Ronnie, you’re the guitarist for Voices of Insanity. Of course he knows you exist,” Jaydon, our front man, said.

I rolled my eyes and started watching the interview.

“So guys, any celebrity crushes?” Damian asked.

“We all know Tom’s is Jessica Alba,” I muttered, looking at the good-looking German man.

“The Olsen twins,” Bill replied.

“Eva Longoria,” Georg replied.

“Eva Mendes,” Gustav replied.

They looked at Tom, who was looking at his feet. Okay?

“Tom?” Damian asked.

“We all know the answer to that one. Jessica Alba,” Bill replied.

Tom looked at him and said, “Nein.”

“Was?! Wirklich?” Bill asked.

“Ja. Wirklich,” Tom replied.

“Okay, I’m confused. What are you guys talking about?” Damian asked.

“Jessica Alba’s not his celebrity crush,” Bill replied.

“Oh really? Who is?” Damian asked.

Tom sighed. “She’s in the band Voices of Insanity,” he replied.

Veronica and I looked at each other. “Is your lover man talking about you or me?” Veronica asked.

“I have no clue,” I replied, not getting on to her about calling Tom my ‘lover man’ as she calls him all the time.

“Voices of Insanity?” Damian asked, “Which one? Veronica Taylor or Ronnie Reynolds?”

Tom smiled as soon as my name left Damian’s mouth. Tom nodded. “Ronnie,” he replied.

“Wow. This is new,” Damian said. He looked at the camera and said, “If you’re watching, Ronnie, it looks like someone likes you.” He looked back at Tom and said, “Well, she’ll be a tough one to nab. She doesn’t believe in love.”

“Damn straight I don’t,” I said to the TV, hoping Damian heard me from New York.

“It’s not love. I just think she’s really pretty. Plus, she plays some bad ass guitar, so she has to be cool,” Tom said.

Sweet. I play bad ass guitar. Score one for Ronnie! “So, if you guys got to tour with them, would you?” Damian asked.

“We all have listened to their music. They’re so geil. Yeah. If the opportunity arose, I think we would. Plus Tomi here would love to be able to spend time with Ronnie,” Bill repliedas designated speaker of the band.

Tom rolled his eyes before smiling nodding. “Aw girl! Tom wants you! And I bet not just to fuck either! He has a fan boy crush on you! You go girl! Maybe then I can get some Georg. Mmmhmm. Sexy Hexy,” Veronica said.

“Sexy sexy!” I said before we started laughing.

“Hey. You have Mr. Tom Kaulitz thank you. Leave Georg alone,” Veronica said.

“You can have Mr. Georg Listing. He’s not my type. I’m more of a guitarist/drummer girl myself,” I said.

“Anyway, we’ll be back with the number two video and a performance from Tokio Hotel! After this commercial break!” Damian said before it went to commercials.

I stood up and said, “I’m getting a bottle of water. Anyone want anything?”

“Nah. I’m good. Danke though,” Veronica said.

“We’re good,” Carter said, Jaydon nodding in agreement as his phone started ringing.

I shrugged and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed my bottle of water just in time to see the rest of Voices of Insanity walk in and sit at the island. “Ronnie, come here. You have to be a part of this,” Jaydon said.

I shrugged and walked over, sitting between Carter and Veronica. Jaydon hit the middle button on his phone and said, “Okay, we’re all here. Guys, and gals, say hi.”

“Hi,” Carter said.

“Hola! Wie geht es Ihnen?” she asked, knowing she’s talking to someone she doesn’t know.

“Vee, do you have to combine Spanish and German? Really?” Carter asked.

“Ja. I do,” she replied.

I rolled my eyes. “Yo,” I said.

“Okay, you just heard, in order, Carter, Veronica, Carter again, Veronica again, and last, Ronnie. And you guys should know what she said,” Jaydon said.

“We do,” a male voice said.

“Okay,” I said, “One, who are we talking to, two, why are we talking to them, and three, why over the phone instead of in person?”

“Well, we are talking to Tokio Hotel, they’ll tell you why, and they’re in New York right now. You know, in case you forgot,” Jaydon replied.

“Okay. Cool,” I said.

“Hallo!” the same male voice from before said, “I’m Bill.”

“Hi Bill!” I said, “I’m Ronnie.”

“I’m Veronica. But everyone calls me Vee. Except Carter. He calls me Vernona for some reason,” Veronica said.

“Sup? Carter,” Carter said. Man of few words. Sometimes.

“And you know who I am, seeing as you called my phone,” Jaydon said.

“Hallo. Gustav and Georg are ignoring me and Tom won’t talk,” Bill said.

“Warum?” I asked.

“He’s nervous,” Bill replied.

“Am not!” I heard the voice that is Tom say.

“You are, too. Otherwise, you would be talking with them as well.”

“Psh. Whatever you say, little brother.”

“What? Trying to be cool for Ronnie?”


“Yeah. The whole band’s on the phone. We do need to talk to them about something.”

Tom was quiet. “Hallo,” he said.

“Hi! I’m Veronica! But you can call me Vee,” Veronica said.

“Carter,” Carter said.

“Jaydon,” Jaydon said.

“And I’m Ronnie,” I said, “Pleased to meet you, fellow guitarist.”

I heard someone chuckle. “Was that you Bill? Or was that Tom?”

“Georg,” a male voice chimed in, “I’m Georg.”

“Dude! I’m Veronica and I’m envious of your hair,” she said.

“Carter,” Carter said.

“Jaydon,” Jaydon said.

“Ronnie here. I agree with Vee. I’m envious of your hair as well,” I said.

“Cool,” he said. “Gustav! Come say hi to the band on the phone!”

There was shuffling and a, “Hallo.”

“Hi Gustav. I’m Ronnie and I will get you to talk more,” I said smiling.

“Veronica. Don’t listen to Ronnie’s threat. All bark, no bite,” Veronica said.

“Jaydon,” Jaydon said.

“Carter,” Carter said.

“Are all you guys there for whatever it is we’re going to talk about? Because I have no clue what we’re talking about,” I said.

“Me either. Bill, what are we talking about?” Tom asked.

“Well, I was thinking, hoping, and wondering if you guys would like to do a Eurstralian tour with us,” Bill said.

“Dude! Hell yeah!” Veronica said.

“Sounds cool,” Carter said.

“How come no one told me about this? No one tells me these things!” I said.

“Join the club. Is it because we’re guitarist and therefore cooler than them?” Tom asked.

“I think so. But it would be awesome to go on a tour with you guys,” I said, “Maybe my awesomeness can rub off on you guys to make you even more awesome now. Though you guys are pretty freaking sweet to begin with. Not the point.”

“Please. It would be my awesomeness rubbing off on you,” Tom said.

“Yeah right. We both know that female guitarists are genetically and socially cooler than male guitarists. Proven fact,” I said.

“Whatever. Let’s agree to disagree and drop it,” Bill said.

“Fine. We’ll continue this in Europe,” I said.

“It’s on,” Tom said.

“Anyway,” Bill said, “You guys would be interested with going on tour with us?”

“Yeah,” all four of us said at the same time.

“Cool. We had to make sure you guys wanted to before Jost called Eliza,” Bill said.

“That’s cool,” Jaydon said, “Does Jost have Eliza’s number?”

“Euhm, I don’t think so,” Bill replied.

Jaydon rattled off Eliza’s number. “Danke. I’ll make sure he gets it. Well, we have to get back. I’ll call once Jost talks to Eliza. Bye everyone,” Bill said.

“Bye,” we said.

He hung up the phone and I looked over at Veronica. “Wait, did that really just happen?” I asked.

“Yep. You’ll get to meet your lover man!” Veronica replied as we walked back into the living room.

“He’s not my lover man!” I said for the umpteenth time, hitting her with one of the couch pillows as I said it.

“Whatever. I am right and you know it. You two are going to meet, fall in love, get married, and have, like twenty little Ronnies and Toms running around,” Veronica said.

“That would have to involve actually dating him,” I said.

“Which I’m not allowing. For either of you girls,” Jaydon said.

Veronica and I looked at Jaydon. “Was?” we asked as the same time.

“You heard me. And I know Eliza will back me up on this. Neither of you are allowed to be involved with any of them above a friend level. That means no dating, kissing, touching, or fucking,” Jaydon said.

We rolled our eyes. “Sure. Whatever you say,” I said with as much sarcasm as I could possibly posses.

“Right,” Veronica said with the same amount of sarcasm.

“I mean it. Because once you girls go and get your hearts broken because you thought they loved you as much as you loved them, you’re going to want nothing to do with them and I’ll be there to say the I told you so,” Jaydon said

“Jaydon, if you remember correctly, I don’t believe in love. It’s a stupid emotion that should be removed painfully. And quickly. So no worrying about me falling in love with anyone,” I said.

“Ah man. I really like Georg!” Veronica said sadly just as the guys came back on the TV.
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I'm actually really iffy about this story. :\

Comments (even ones that criticize) will be very helpful to me. Please let me know if you guys want me to continue with this one or not.