Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

I'm Dreaming About Tomorrow


“I really like Georg! And they’re taking him away from me! Damn it!” Veronica said slumping in her seat. We were at the airport waiting for Tokio Hotel to arrive. Eliza agreed with Jaydon and said we could only be friends with the guys or else she’s pulling us from the tour. She’s not my mommy though…grrr.

“Vee, calm down. They’ll get over it and then you can have your lover man,” I told her.

“Not happening,” Jaydon said.

I rolled my eyes. “After the tour, date him all you want. They only said for the tour that we could only be friends with them. As soon as the tour’s over, get yourself some Georg,” I whispered to Veronica.

She smiled widely. “Okay,” she said.

We sat there for a bit when Veronica said, “Oh! I see your lover man’s brother, Ronnie!”

I looked and, sure enough, they arrived. I recognized Bill’s mane of hair. He saw us and waved. I waved back excitedly and skipped over to them.

“Ronnie?” Bill asked.

“Yep. That’s me. Ronnie Reynolds: Guitarist/photographer/your soon-to-be best friend of the female gender,” I replied.

“Hi!” he said.

“Hi!” I said when I saw Gustav. I waved to him and said, “Remember, I’m getting you to talk more. By the time this tour’s over, you will be talking more.”

“Hallo Ronnie,” he said waving a short wave.

“Hi,” I said before grabbing Bill’s hand and saying, “Come on. You have to meet the rest of the band and Eliza.”

I rolled my eyes at her name and dragged Bill over to the rest of the guys.

“Vee! Look what I found. I found a Bill,” I said smiling.

“Hi. I’m Veronica. Call me Vee,” she said.

“Hallo Vee,” Bill said as the rest of my band and Eliza walked over, all greeting Bill.

“So Bill, where are Georg and lo-Tom at?” Veronica asked, earning a glare from me when she almost said ‘lover man.’

Bill looked behind him and waved with his free hand. I still had a hold of his other one for some reason. Maybe that’s why Eliza’s been giving me that look for the past few minutes. It looks like she wants to kill me. Or hit me.

I let go of Bill’s hand just as the rest of the band walked over to us. And let me tell you, if I thought Tom looked good on TV, he looks even better in person.

“Hi! I’m Vee,” Veronica said, all the while trying to inconspicuously look at Georg. And failing miserably.

“Tom,” he said before looking over at me.

“I’m Ronnie. Guitarist/photographer/soon-to-be Bill’s best friend of the female gender,” I said, “Oh, and you’re my new other new best friend of the male gender starting…now.”

Tom laughed. “Hi, new best friend,” he said.


“Hey! What about me?” Veronica asked.

“Don’t worry. You’re my best friend of the female gender nummer eins,” I replied.

“You speak German?” Bill asked.

“A little,” I replied, “Not much, though.”

Tom looked like he was thinking before asking Georg something in German. The only bit I caught was “Zieg mir deine Pflaume.”

“No, Tom,” I said.

He looked at me shocked. “How did you know what I was going to ask?” he asked.

“Just that good,” I replied.

“Oh really now?” he asked smirking.

“Tom,” Bill said, “Remember what we were told.”

Tom sighed. “Ich weiss, Bill,” he said.

I looked between the twins before shrugging.


“Tom! Put down my guitar right now! That’s my baby!” I said as he picked up my Gibson Firebird

He sat down on the couch, still holding my guitar. “Nice choice. I play Gibson guitars myself. Can I play it?” he asked looking at me and giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I sighed. “Break anything on Jumbie and I’ll kill you,” I said sitting on the ground.

Tom nodded then gave me a confused look. “Jumbie?” Tom asked.

“Where?!” Bill asked, “You didn’t hide Jumbie again, did you? Because that’s mean.”

“Not your plane, Bill,” I said, “My guitar.”

“You named your guitar after my plane?” he asked.

I nodded. “I had seen the video on Youtube of you guys and you playing with your plane. It was my birthday that day and Vee got me that guitar for my birthday,” I explained.

“Damn skippy,” she said.

I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, when she gave it to me, I looked at it and said, “This is my new guitar. I call it…Jumbie!” I’d had way too much sugar that day and had watched the video a bunch of times. Seeing Tom get hit in the head and almost killed by a toy plane is funny,” I finished.

“I didn’t find it funny,” Tom said with a slight pout before he started playing ‘Monsoon’ on Jumbie. I don’t know why, but I don’t mind him touching my guitar. Usually if someone touches my guitar, I want to kill them. I guess it’s because he’s a guitarist and not Carter.

“Of course you didn’t,” I said, “But I bet you found it hilarious when Jumbie got stuck in the rafters.”

“Was? You said it wasn’t funny!” Bill said.

“Come on Ronnie. Your lover man’s not that mean! Damn,” Veronica said before covering her mouth. Too late.

“Lover man?” Tom asked confused.

“Nothing. Vee’s being weird. As usual,” I said before sending a glare to her.

She stuck her tongue out at me and said, “I’m not weird. I’m just cooler than you.”

Just then, everyone else walked in. Georg and Carter were talking about basses, Gustav was listening to his iPod, and Jaydon was talking to Jost, whose name I learned is David, and Eliza. Tom rolled his eyes before going back to playing ‘Monsoon’ on my guitar.

“Cooler than me? Girl, I play guitar. Guitarists are so much cooler than drummers,” I said.

“Oh God here we go again,” Jaydon said.

“Was?” Bill and Tom asked.

“They do this all the time. Vee says something about being cooler than Ronnie and then they get into a full blown discussion on who’s cooler,” Jaydon replied, “Last one lasted a whole day.”

“But I’m a drummer. We bang the hell out of shit. We’re the backbone to the songs. Without us, the song would be different. So there, not only am I cooler, but you need me,” Veronica said.

“It would be more different without me, the guitarist. Therefore, I am cooler.”

“Whatever you say. Drummers are cooler than guitarists and you know it.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the rest of the band. “So, done with the big, important people talk? Because I’m bored and want to do something,” I said.

“Big important people talk?” Tom asked.

“Yeah. Jost and Eliza are our bands’ managers. Big, important people. So, when they discuss band stuff, I call it big, important people talk,” I explained.

He rolled his chocolate eyes. “Wow,” he said.

“Eh, that’s Ronnie for you,” Carter said, “Weird as hell, but we wouldn’t have her any other way.”

“Damn skippy,” I said, “So what are we doing?”

“Mall?” Veronica asked hopefully.

I shrugged. “Sure. Why not?” I replied.

She smiled and did a little jig in her seat. “Yes. I need shoes anyway.”

“And I need eyeliner,” Bill said, just as excited as Veronica. Oh shit. I forgot Bill loves shopping.

“What have I done?!” I asked myself before putting my face in my hands.
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Here's her guitar: Gibson Firebird