Till Defeat

The breaking point

That night I got home and it was around ten thirty. My parents were waiting right out the door for my arrival. Not happy. As I got closer I could see the anger and disgust on their faces. My mothers eye brow raised as if trying to give me the “evil eye” she always talks about. It never really seems to work on me though. The thing that usually gets to me is her yelling that has the most condescending voice the sounds like nails on a chock board to the ear. Well this voice she has is harsh, beating, and threatening to the ear. My father is worse to all extent though. His fists already pound into your head . Beating the truth out from your brain to the mouth and out into words.
“What the hell are you doing home so late!”
“What do you mean mom? My curfew is at eleven?”
“No! Remember I asked you to be home at ten tonight because it was a family night?!”
“Yeah, like they actually turn out as “family nights”?”
“Well, just what the hell do you think they are!”
“I think it’s a time for me to go sit in my room and listen to my music so I can drown the sound of you and Paul yelling and bitching at each other all night and then go to sleep! Is that such a fucking problem, mom?”
“Yes! This time we actually had something planed!”
“Yeah? And what may that be mother? Huh?”
“Don’t you ever speak like that to your mother!”
“Why the fuck should I listen to you Paul?”
“Because if you fucking dad that’s why boy!”
“You’ll never be my dad, Paul! Trust me and its not like you speak much better ass hole!”

At that time I realized what he was going to do to me. He starts to raise a fist to come and hit my face. Before he could get his fist back far enough, I lunge at him. Right to his stomach. He let a breath that was as strong as a hurricane. He went into the wall with my head to accompany his break through the wall. We cracked the outer shell of the house. The house was just a place for me to eat their food for free and sleep. A home is with a loving family that actually wants you there. As I got up and brushed my head off to get the crumples of dry wall out of my hair, my mother turned and slapped me. I turned back towered her and looked at her with a piercing glair. I looked out to the road and left. As I walked away everything got quite. My mind had no thoughts at all. The lightness of the moon told me that the wear wolfs were hungry. A fight was something I wanted to do for so long. So much anger built up inside my soul was bad enough, but now my parents just add to it every time we fight.

Next morning, I wake not knowing where I am. My vision is burred by the suns glare and it burned vary badly. I needed the shade right away. I got to a "safe house" you could call it. There was nobody there. I try to get a phone to call Molly. My girlfriend.