







“Wake up!” I jumped off of my bed.

“What the hell?!” I asked, my eyes wide, I looked up to see my brother was smirking at me.



“Shut up!” I screamed grabbing the alarm clock and throwing it at the wall. I let out a small sigh.

“She is much, much, much, angrier than MatsuJun.” It was Aiba’s voice, I looked up to see them all standing in my door frame. I let out a girly scream and my hands darted to pull the thigh long shirt I slept with between my legs.

“Get out! You perverts!” I screamed, and began to throw whatever I could reach, they all dashed away, and I dashed to shut my door. I slid down and sat on my floor.

After I had changed, and was finally forced out of my room, I sat between Sakurai Sho and my Aniki, I refused to look up, and ate my breakfast quietly.

“So…yellow panties…” my cheeks burned.

“Shut up you pervert!” I screamed looking up at Ninomiya Kazunari, who licked some rice off his chopstick, he smirked at me.

“Nino, don’t even think about it.” My brother said lowly.

“Think about what?” Ninomiya asked, as he inserted more food into his mouth.

“Dating her.” My Aniki said calmly.

“Can you even stop me?” Everyone stopped and looked up, eyes wide, Ninomiya had put down his bowl and chopsticks, and was now watching Aniki intently.

“We’re gonna be late.” Aniki said, he put his own bowl down and stood up, never looking up towards Nino, he paused and bent down to leave a kiss on my head.

“Jya, Ryo…” he said leaving towards the door, the rest of Arashi quickly followed suit.

“Jya, Matsumoto-chan.” Ninomiya smirked at me, and kissed his fingers before moving them into a peace sign.

I glared at his back.

No way.

I had learned my lesson.

I began cleaning the house, letting myself get lost in my thoughts, in old memories.

My cell went off.

We have to talk, about your job obviously, e-mail me back, we’re on standby…-Aniki’ I blinked at it, Jun never said things like ‘we have to talk’ unless it’s really, really important.

Nothing to talk about, I’m just a stripper not important…

Of course it was important.

It is important, why are you doing it, it’s not like you need the money

“But I do, Jun…I really need the money…” I muttered before I mailed him that.

We have money! I have lots of money! Mom and Dad and Eri work, so they have money! You don’t have to worry about money!

I wondered if Jun knew he was basically talking in a circle or that all his sentences ended with ‘money!’.

It’s not enough…don’t ask how much, just know that it’s not enough…

He didn’t reply which meant he was probably on the interview, I wondered what show he was on, maybe I could catch it.

My cell went off but it wasn’t Jun’s Hero that filled the room, or my mom’s Kimi Dake wo Omotteru or my father’s Yasashikutte Sukoshi Baka, or even my sister’s Nemuranai Karada. I stared at my phone, it wasn’t the generic jingle I had for my work calls either, it was a strangers number, because Yes? No? was pouring out.

‘Yo check my flow…’ it cut off, signaling the call had ended.

“Baka…” I sighed dropping down on my bed and staring intently at my phone.

‘Do I have to throw away my tired pride? Do I rather stay quiet than to tell lies?’ I dropped my phone, and started at it like it was going to eat me. ‘Our reflections pass through-’

“Moshi, moshi?!” I said loudly into the phone.

“Matsumoto-chan…” a sing song voice filtered trough.


“Surprised I got your number?”


“He told me not to think about it, and now it’s a fun little game for me, this isn’t my cell phone, just so you know.” I could almost hear him smirk.

“Who’s is it then?!”

“Jya….” The line disconnected.

“Bastard…Ninomiya is a bastard.” I muttered. I stalked towards my room. Hero began to pour out of my cell.

‘What do you need it for then?’ I blinked at the message.

‘I’m…in trouble…but don’t worry! I’ll be fine, also what show are you on right now?’

‘Trouble what kind of trouble? And how am I not going to worry?! HeyX3.’ I smiled softly; it was just like my Aniki.

I turned my television on and turned it to the channel, my brother shifted in his seat, I guessed it was to place his cell phone back into his pocket, he looked directly into the camera, it was almost as if he knew I was watching, my eyes drifted to Ninomiya, he was laughing at something the interviewers had said. His laugh was nice, his smile child like, but his eyes screamed sadist.

I stared at his face, and saw how child like he was, like a evil child, who is out to get revenge because of the unhappiness he had growing up. I shook my head.

The show went for commercial.

‘Why haven’t you responded, tell me what’s wrong!’ I sighed, I shouldn’t have told him anything.

‘Sorry, I forgot to respond, and NOTHING is wrong! It’s okay, it’s all definitely okay! Oh by the way who’s number is this?’ I asked, I typed in the number and waited.

‘Why do you have Riida’s number? And are you sure? I may do a lot of mean things to you and say a lot of mean things but you’re my twin, I know something is wrong, if you need to talk to anyone, I’m here for you…you know that right?’ I smiled, I wonder what his fans would think if they knew that he was this sweet in person, they probably already knew.

‘I found it when I was cleaning, come to think about it, I don’t have any of your friends numbers, what if something happens and I can’t reach you, I should have their numbers for emergencies ne?’

I smirked, the show came back on, my brother shifted again, and Ninomiya was watching him, then his eyes darted to the camera and I froze, it was like he was staring right at me, he smirked at me as he moved his eyes to the interviewers, he laughed at something they said.

But his mind wasn’t in it, he was thinking of ways to get ahead of me.

Well if Ninomiya wanted to play I would accept the challenge.But wasn’t it this way of thinking that got me in trouble in the first place?

My cell went off.

‘Here, but don’t give them out or bother them unless it’s important.’ I smirked.

“Maa, let the games begin, Ninomiya-chan”
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