Live Your Life

Chapter 1.

Claudia’s POV.


“Good morning.” Chelsea said.

“We’re are the others?”

“They’re still sleeping silly, it’s only 9am this early Saturday morning.”

“If it’s so early, why are you awake then?” I said, while getting some tea.

“I’m going to find a part time job today.” Chelsea smiled. “I could use some money, so that I can go out with you all more often!”

“That’s a good idea, we’d love to have you with us!” I smiled.

“When do you’ve to go for work?” Chelsea asked.

“I’ve to go at 10.30am, so I can take it easy this morning.”

I turned the TV on, My Chemical Romance was playing on Kerrang, so I watched it and turned the sound up.

“Think about the other!” Chelsea said, while singing along.

“Oh yeah” I giggled, while turning the sound down a bit.

Then I got dressed, noticed that Chelsea was gone when I got back and went to work. After a busy, but normal day at work I arrived back home at 8.00pm.