Yellow Like the Sun

Green Grass, Blue Skies..

Isabel's hands smoothed the bright red material of her new summer dress. Her fingers trailed over the white parts, over the stomach and chest of the dress; examining the brilliantly coloured dots. She smiled and stood up off her bed in one motion. She took a few steps towards her wardrobe, her bare feet making a small clapping noise against the dark, smooth wooden floors. Isabel's fingers hooked onto the dull golden handles, feeling the twisted pattern of vines and small flowers carved into it. She pulled on the wardrobe, and leaned down to one of the lower shelves, where she kept her shoes. She pulled out her favourite pair of bright, sunshine-yellow flats with a small bow of the material at the top.

She slid her feet into them, feeling the familiarity of the worn insoles and closed the wardrobe door with a gentle thump. Taking a minute to check herself in the mirror, Isabel smiled at what she saw and walked down the wooden stairs, the bottom of her shoes tapping. "I'm going out!" She called to no one in particular. Isabel lived with her mother, after her father left for a business trip up to Europe. Although her mother wasn't home, she decided that saying it anyways would be helpful if she was somewhere around the house after all.

Isabel slammed the door behind her, and started walking down the sun drowned sidewalk. Her boyfriend, Jake, wanted to meet her at the park today. He wanted to tell her something, and she was a little excited, though it could be a bad thing as well. She sighed softly as the blue sky laid wide open above her. The trees rustled, and Isabel bit her lip from anxiousness. She started running, running fast on the sidewalk, and then made a sharp turn onto a large field of grass. She paused there for a moment, and saw a familiar figure laying in the grass, spread out.

A smile came to her lips when she realized that it was Jake. She started running so fast that her a shock ran up her spine everytime her feet hit the ground. But it seemed like she wasn’t running fast enough, he was still a speck in the middle of bright green grass. He was only getting bigger after a little while. She was metres away now, a hand on her heart as it thudded frantically from the running. She smiled as she panted softly. He noticed she was coming, and stood up off the brown and green bed. Jake placed two hands on her hips as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Hey, Is.” He smiled. Something was wrong. She could tell automatically. His smile usually made her melt right to the ground, this smile was fake.

Isabel looked at him curiously as she sat down on the cool grass with him again. “Jake, what’s wrong?” There was a catch in his breath; hesitation. She looked at him, as if her eyes were pressing him on, begging him to tell her. “Is, I have some news.” She have expected for him to smile widely, and tell her something good, like they did on T.V. But his expression was unreadable, and his eyes had a stone tint to it. “Jake,” She placed a hand on his shoulder, making him look away from her. “Tell me, please.”

Jake sighed softly before looking up again. “Is, I’m moving.” At first, she didn’t realize the concept . “Wait, what? Where? It’s still around here, right?” She wanted to make sure.
Jake shook his head. “No. I’m moving to Europe. I’m sorry, Is.” Isabel didn’t know what to say. “W-what are you saying? Can’t we still be together? We can still stay in touch.” She sat in front of him, on her knees, and a hand on his as it rested on his leg. “Is..” He paused. “I don’t believe in long distance relationships.” The words hit her hard. They had been together for months, a year in two weeks, as a matter of fact. They never fought, and.. Is couldn’t believe it.

“Is, I’m sorry. It’s best, for us. Bye, baby.” He stood up. The was a lump in her throat which stopping her from protesting against all of this. “Jake..” She looked up at him. He looked down at her, and said nothing. He only leaned down one again, and kissed her lips softly, then pulled away. “Jake, please.” She had tears welling in her eyes, threatening to slide over her pink cheeks. He looked up again, almost as if he was ignoring her, and walked through the grass again. Isabel watched as he left, feeling her love life crash down. He didn’t even look back, or comfort her to stop crying.

He disappeared when he turned a corner, behind one of the buildings nearby. She would never see him again. She bit her lip, willing herself not to cry, but it wasn’t working at all. The grass suddenly felt cold, and unwelcoming when she stood up again, and started walking home. She stepped through the small weeds that forced its’ ways into the grass, and looked up at the sky once she’d stepped on a hill, overlooking a small park. The sun shone down onto her, and her tears dried from the gentle breeze that passed by. Things suddenly felt better. There were new opportunities for her now. Of course, she would never forget Jake, but she could do something all new now. It was a feeling that can't be explained, but it felt good.