Sequel: No More Repeats

On the Road of Life with Gerard Way

Forever Cursed

"I DONT KNOW!!" Katy said, sobbing. "I warned you that something like this would happen if he ever wanted me back!!" I walked over to where she had collapsed and sat down next to her.

"Katy, I thought you loved Gerard!" I said.

"I DO, but Drew is my first love, and he will always be the one person that I love more than anybody else." She said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Katy. This shouldn't have happened to you." I said.

"Brooke, call Drew and tell him to meet me outside the back door of the church." She said, scribbling a phone number on a piece of scratch paper.

"Wha---?" I suddenly realized what she was going to do.. She was going to run away from this problem, and get married to Drew in the midst of running away from her problems. "I'm not going to force you to refrain from doing something you want to do.. we're not 15 anymore." I said, getting up and walking out into the hallway to the phone. I called Drew and he agreed to meet us at the back of the church.

"What am I to tell Gerard and the crowd?" I asked on the way down to the back door.

"Tell them that I'm sorry this happened, and ask them to please forgive me. Don't tell them where I've gone though... I'll call you once we get somewhere to stay for a while. Oh, and hand Gee this note, but don't read it out loud." She said. We were at the car. "I love you girl!" she said, getting into the car and driving off before I could respond.

I walked back into the sanctuary and up to the platform, and told everyone exactly what I had been told to tell them. Gee was sitting on the front pew with his head in his hands, this was the most upset I'd ever seen him.. but he had reason to be upset.

15 minutes later::
YOUR POV:: Everyone is gone now except for me and Gee. I'm trying to think of a way to comfort him, but I have no ideas whatsoever yet. "Gee?" I say, sitting down next to him.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"I'm supposed to give you this, its from Katy." I said, handing him the folded up piece of paper. He opened it and held it so I could read it too. It read:

Gee, I'm so so sorry. There is no way in the world you will ever be able to explain why I did this. You deserve much better than me.

He folded it back up and stuck it in the jacket pocket of his tuxedo. "I'm sorry too. I never saw this coming." I said, patting him on the back.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. Love's just not for me." He said, getting up and walking out of that sanctuary. Not just walking slowly, but walking with a purpose.