Status: Active......

Past Comes Alive

The Hospital

ClaraMae looked around the waiting room, as the doctors worked on her only daughter. She was lucky that she found Hannah in quick enough time, from the look of it she was about to die. Clara didn't tell Chris about this, she didn't want him to worry but she knew he would find out one way or the other. A nurse stood in front of her, the eyes sad. Clara looked up and nodded at the nurse that called her name. The nurse led her to see her daughter, but something was wrong.

Chris was walking out of his work building when he noticed that Clara hasn't called at all today. He picked up his phone and called Clara...No answer. "Maybe she's at home." He thought as he started his truck. He walked into the apartment and noticed that no one was home and tried to call Clara again... Still no answer. Now he began to worry.

Clara walked into the room and she didn't even recognized that the person in the hospital bed was her daughter. Wires were left and right, and almost everywhere on her little body. The doctor came in soon after she did and said, "I'm glad you bought her around this time but... She has a twenty percent not making it through." ClaraMae nodded, and looked at her baby girl. "This is what happens when i become a stripper, i lose the one i love." She thought before kissing her daughter's forehead and walked out of the room ready to go home.

Chris was driving around St. Louis, trying to find where his true love would be. After many hours of no luck, he came home and saw her on the couch, staring at the television with no interest in it at all. Chris walked quietly to her and asked, "Where have you been?" Clara looked up, her face tear-stricken. "I was at the hospital to see Hannah.. She has a twenty percent of living." Chris nodded, that was the only thing he could do for this moment. He sat on the couch and wrapped his arms around her as she began to cry.
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Sorry for the LONG update.... Hope this makes you happy... Comments???